tën ; "the cure for anger"

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"You asshole! Trapping her on that room all by herself, it was dark and she was cold and you didn't give two shits!" Is the first thing I say to the blonde when I see him.

I look at her sitting on the couch, she looks pale and sick, she pulls the blanket around her body more.

"She talked back, she deserved what she got, she even got let out a day early." He says calmly.

"She didn't deserve shit! I'm sorry that trying to protect ourselves from seven asshats who kidnapped us!"

"Why are you even mad?" He asks.

"Is that even a fucking question? Look at how fucked up she is! Our pasts were very fucked up and I'm sure that room brought back a ton of memories."

"I'm not dealing with this." He tries to walk away, I grab his shoulder and spin him around, I push him into the wall and grab onto the collar of his shirt.

"Fuck you mean your not dealing with this? You did this to yourself, you're lucky I don't smash your face in!"

He looks down at my hand and smirks.  He pushes himself off the wall, the closer he comes to me the more I step backwards.

"I can drop you and your friend on your asses in two seconds, let go of me." I do as I'm told.

"So how about you shut your mouth," I fall back onto the couch and he bends down to my level putting his face inches from mine, "Before you get you and your friend killed."

I gulp and he walks away.

I look up at Seokjin who's standing next to me, he just smirks and walks out of the room.

I look left at Nanhee, she's just staring at me blankly.

She slowly looks away and so do I.

"Just stop." She speaks up.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Stop trying to act tougher than you really are, stop trying to defend me when I can defend myself-"

"That got you thrown into a dark room, sorry for trying to help." I stand up and walk out of the room.

I go into the dance room and just stare at myself in the mirror.

I sigh and turn the music on shuffle.

I start to dance but I slip, I shake my head and start the song over again, I mess up on a move.

I do it over and over but can't seem to do it right.

I let out a loud yell and punch the mirror, it shatters in front of me and my eyes widen.

"Damnit!" I quickly stop the music, I see headphones next to the speaker than the phone is plugged into, I grab the headphones and i plug the phone from the speaker.

I plug the headphones into the phone and put both earbuds in. I turn the music all the way up once I get to my room and lay in my bed with my eyes closed.


The headphones get pulled out of my ears. I slowly open my eyes and see Taehyung above me.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Relaxing." I answer grabbing the headphones from him.

"Are you still mad from this morning?" He asks, I give him an 'are you stupid' / 'what does it look like' look.

"You know the cure for anger?" He asks, I shrug.

"Come with me." He grabs my wrist and leads me through the hall to the workout room.

"This." He picks up boards.

"What about them?" I ask.

"Break them. Where I hold them up you punch or kick and break them." He says and I nod, we set up the speaker for background music and we start.

"Punch.. Kick... Now faster.. Harder... Break it!" He yells every once in a while.

"Now doubles." He says and I nod, surprisingly I break them.


I break almost 100 boards before we move into the next thing, now Taehyung has put pads on his hand.

"When I swing at you, you dodge them, I'll go slow."

We start and I punch and kick his hands, we move all around and I hit him every time, I dodge him whenever he comes at me.

"Faster!" He yells over the loud squeaking of our shoes. Over and over, faster and faster, I hit and I dodge.

We finish and he puts the gloves down.

"You're much better." He smiles.

I wipe sweat from my forehead.

"I'm gonna go shower and you're right, it does help with anger." I smile and leave to go shower.

When I get out of the shower, I change into sweatpants and my bra.

"I didn't bring in a shirt.." I whisper to myself.

I walk out of the bathroom, I cover my top half with the towel when I see that Nanhee is sitting on her bed.

"Uhm.. Mian." She whispers.


"About earlier, it was just.. I was.." She sighs and the sigh explains everything for me.

"Yeah, I get it." I pat her back.

I open the drawer to get a shirt but there is none. I have my bra on so I just hold the towel in front of my body.

"Hm.. no shirts." I sigh.

"Here." Nanhee gets up and goes to the door.

"Jeongguk!" She yells, he's quickly at the door.

I hold the towel up more so it's covering me more.

"Mimi needs a shirt." His eyes shoot to me.

He nods and runs to his room, he quickly comes back and hands me one of his white shirts.

"Haha.. thanks." I awkwardly take it still holding my towel, I got back into the bathroom and put it on.

I kept the towel around my body thinking that if I took it off Nanhee would see my scars that she doesn't know about.

When I come out of the bathroom the lights are already off so I just go to my bed.

"Goodnight." I hear Nanhee whisper.

"Goodnight Nana." I whisper back.

well shoot.. i always seem to write between 1-4 am.. it's 4 am rn how fun
it's okay though because my last day of school was yesterday wooooop
ill sleep now gn whoever is reading this
- hayden

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