twëlvë ; things dont always go as planned

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"You're a pretty fucked up guy to be doing this." He shoots at me again and I hardly dodge it.

"Are you trying to die? Dodge them." He says shooting 3 at me, I dodge the first one and the second, the third one skims my arm and I start to bleed.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" I yell back.

"You either kill or get killed." He says, I nod and walk to him.

"What are you doing?" He asks.  I grab the gun and drop to my knees, I place the gun on my forehead.

"Do it." I say.

"Do it!" I yell, I feel the gun drop from my forehead.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asks.

"You've been testing me all day," I stand up, "I was testing you." I walk away.

Neither of them follow me thank god, I walk into the house and grab a drink, it's really hot outside and I'm over heating.

I walk down the hallways and see a small door cracked open, me being curious I try to open the door more but I can't, so I squeeze though the little crack.

Once I'm in the door slams behind me making the room pitch black, the light come on blinding me, it's an all white room with that glass again.

"Good job," I hear over the intercom, "You just walked into your next test." I can feel him smile.

I roll my eyes and he continues.

"Right now, you are in a very very small room, pretty much the size of an elevator, there's no place to run, no place to hide, you will fight off multiple men."


I watch at the guys come out from the walls.  One comes at her and throws his leg up to kick her, she easily catches it and send him flying into the wall by kicking him.

She attacks people by their pressed points.  She's so clam with one on one.

"Now they will come at you all at once." Her eyes widen as she looks at the six men surrounding her.

Two men grab her arms and a guy grabs her from behind.  She gets punched in the stomach.

"Oh my gosh! Help her!" Taehyung says next to me.

"She's got it." I whisper not taking my eyes off her. 

She looks up at the guy with fire in her eyes.

"You just fucked up." She whispers.  She flips the two guys on the arms and rams their heads together.

She turns her and the guy holding her towards the wall, she runs up the wall and flips over him making him land hard on his back.

She slides under another guys legs grabbing his ankle making him fall face first on the ground.

She grabs a guys arm and puts it behind his back, she breaks it and he shouts falling to the ground.

She fights the lady guys for a few seconds, she finds a way to drop him on his knees and elbows him in the temple.

She stands up breathing hard and looks at us, we stare back at her and all the body's on the ground around her.

"This is amazing!" Taehyung laughs clapping his hands together.

"She's amazing." I whisper, "Okay, you're done." I say through the intercom, she steps over all the bodies and walk out of the room.


"Mijin!" I hear Nanhee yell once I walk out of the room.

"Nanhee today was fucking crazy." I say walking to her.

"You can say that again. I had to go through this maze today."

"Put a shirt on." Jimin passes us with a eye roll.

She rolls her eyes and walks away.

"Jimin!" I tell running up to him.

He hums in response.

"What was the testing for today?" I ask.

"You'll find out soon, be patient." He says messing up my hair with a smile.  I hit his hand away and fix my hair with a pout.

"Everything will turn out as planned." He says.

"Ill get to go home?!" My eyes widen with excitement and a smile grows on my face, his smile fades and he looks at the ground.

I know what that means, "I'm not going home." I whisper and look at the ground.

"Would it really be that bad to stay wit us?" He asks.

"Well now its not so bad bu- wait, stay with you? what do you mean?"

He stiffens up and his eyes widen.

"I've said too much."

"Wait what do you mean?" He puts his hands over his ears.

"Lalala I can't hear you!" He runs away from me, I try to grab his but he's already gone.


We're now getting ready to eat, we're sitting at the table waiting for Nanhee and Yoongi.

"Sit." Namjoon says, I look up and see Nanhee and Yoongi.

"So, you have to know the tests where for something... You two have been tested to see if you'd make it into the gang." Seokjin says.

"And you've gotten in." Namjoon adds.

"Mijin your specialty is hand to hand combat. You're really good at identifying and attacking you're appoints pressure points, and you're also good with guns so that is a plus." Namjoon says.

"Nanhee. Your specialty is knife work. You're great with your knives, throwing, cutting, stabbing, you're good. You're not great with guns but we can fix that you haven't really had much training. " Namjoon tells me.

"You're going to help us kidnap people, mostly males, when we need it. Other than that, we're going to have you do underground MMA fighting. Nanhee, we can work with your fighting skills, you're strong but not enough." Yoongi says.

"You're going to be getting paid and your own rooms while with us, so we're going shopping for clothes, and room decor things tomorrow." Seokjin adds in.

"But don't forget. While working with us you're going to have a tracker. We will be able to see every where you are the second you're there. And if you tell anyone you're working with us, we will personally kill you, and the person you've told." Jimin informs us.

I look around the table and then at Nanhee. It's like we have a silent conversation with our eyes. Knowing exactly what where going to do.

"We're in, but we have things we want." Nanhee tells them.

so a speed song just came on shuffle and they disbanded in like 2016 i think and i'm still mad about it
- hayden

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