Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

They were on top of a mountain, standing right on a cliff that gave a perfect view of the UnderWorld.

There were no words. She couldn't explain, she couldn't feel, she could just see. It was beautiful.

The dove-white mountains in the distance soared into the sky. 

There were fields filled with bountiful flowers and yellows as bright as the sun at midday. A murder of black birds lay on the horizon of the small field, sitting on a rickety fence as if it was their only home. The middle of the field was a lush green that seemed to radiate and sunlight and brightness throughout.

The sunset sky complimented the field in more ways than one. The reds and oranges made the flowers dazzle with the colors of a fire, and the sky was an aroma of flames and warmth. The wispy clouds, white with hints of pinks and oranges, made the whole field look magical. It was colorful and simple and it was quite a view to see. The sun was an immense orange flame in the sky, so large it made Willow lose her balance slightly when looking at it. It lay tucked behind the mountains, almost looking as if it were boasting its glory.

There were dark, creepy forests that seemed to have jumped off of a fairy tale book’s page, with the dark clouds looming over it. Willow felt the intense urge to go and explore them, to see what kind of creatures would lurk in such a place. There were a few cities and towns spread across the view as well, though most were too far away from Willow to really see them.

She could see RiverPlain from here; she knew it was RiverPlain by just looking at it. It was like an immense castle, it looked just as big on the outside as it felt on the inside. It stood tall and had a graceful feel to it, with the vines climbing up the wall edges. She couldn’t believe she had been staying in such a castle, that she hadn’t realized how absolutely gorgeous it was on the outside. 

She couldn't breathe, her breath literally stuck in her throat with amazement. The wind was strong up here, a gust of wind blew past her, throwing her hair back. It tasted sweet, like summer, better than any smell she had ever encountered.

Michael laughed, which startled Willow a little. She didn’t want to admit the fact that she had completely forgotten he had been with her. She looked over at him and laughed, “This is amazing!”

He smiled at her, “More impressive than Mapiasath Dormato?”

She rolled her eyes at him, “A lot more impressive.”

He walked over to the very edge of the cliff, and sat down, letting his feet dangle over the edge. Willow hesitantly followed, it wasn’t that she was scared of heights, but she always felt mildly uncomfortable around them. She walked to the edge and very slowly sat down, letting her feet dangle next to Michael’s. 

“This is amazing,” Willow repeated, feeling lame that she couldn’t find any other adjective to sum it up.

“Not as amazing as your world.” Michael responded, not looking over at her, but staring at the sunset. Willow looked over at him, the sunset made his hair become brighter and darker all at the same time. He looked really young, watching the sunset, completely at ease. And very…good looking. Willow couldn’t help but admire him, his sharp jaw and soft cheek bones. His long eyelashes that circled around his emerald eyes. She had seen green eyes before, but it was always light green eyes, never pure emerald. Watching him seem to have distracted completely of his comment, and when it dawned upon her what he said, her face changed from admiring to horrified. 

“What do you mean ‘Not as amazing as your world?’” She demanded. 

“Have you seen your world?” He replied, still completely at ease. 

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