Chapter 33

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<B>Chapter 33</B>

The shrieking filled the hallways and Willow was ready. Her heart pounding inside her throat and she was breathing like an elephant, but that didn't matter now.

The surge of the creatures had engulfed all the white marble, but the Elves were skilled and Willow watched as they successfully held back a number of them.

She was so intrigued by how well they were doing that when the window burst inward, she flew all the way across the room and crashed against the door. The door didn't even budge, but that wasn't the problem.

A searing pain went through her back and chest and she was wet with blood. Two of the creatures had entered. She stared at them for a split-second before surging into action, with a scream she went charging towards them. Body slamming one to the ground she quickly stabbed through it's chest.

Just as the body went limp, the other one body slammed her into a wall. Trapping her arms behind her. It roared, and his breath stank of rotten flesh and blood. It's teeth sticking out of his mouth unnaturally. Willow -more moved by his stench, than by the danger- freed her arm and stabbed him in the stomach. It was a bad move, not an immediate death, he screeched and lashed at her.

She rolled away in time, but not before it caught her arm and dug deep. Willow cried out and kicked him hard. He fell to the ground in a gurgle. She was bleeding in a lot of places, now. Her back and chest, and now even her arm.

Looking around desperately, she saw the cracked window.

<I>Dang,</I> she thought. <I>Why didn't I think of breaking the window?</I> Her self stupidity realization momentarily distracted her before she went into action. She popped her head out.

Most of the creatures weren't climbing anymore, they were all inside the building or outside with the Elves. She would not stay in here and do nothing, she needed to find the group.

There was a thin ledge under the window that extended next to the wall to another broken window. Willow gulped and looked at how high she was and then started to doubt.

Maybe she could stay in here and be safe....

Her thoughts interrupted as there was a banging on the door and a screech. They were trying to enter. She popped her head out and again and took a deep breath.

Very <I>slowly</I> she hoisted herself up on the slim window. The glass on the corners digging into her hands and causing them to bleed. She should of cleaned the corners before going, it seemed in danger her mind worked slower.

"Oh, that's high. This is very high." She whispered to herself, as if it were to encourage her. They had trained her balance, but never at this altitude, she was on, approximately, the fortieth floor. Trying not to look down because it made her dizzy she took a tiny, puny step across the ledge. Then moved her other foot.

<I>One step done, fifty more to go.</I> She thought to herself. And as if God were trying to hurry herself up, millions of wood splinters flew out of the window and she knew they had somehow opened the door. She could hear loud noises as she took one, two steps farther. Then, one of the monsters peeked his head out of the window and looked at Willow in the eyes.

He shrieked and launched himself out of the window sill, just to slip and fall forty flights. Willow tried not to look at his mangled body and imagine hers.

Third, fourth, fifth step. The others were climbing out, but a lot more careful than the first one.

She hurried up as two more fell down the forty flights.

When she finally got to the window they were <I>almost</I> arm-length away. She ruthlessly hurled herself through the broken window, ignoring the pieces of glass digging into her hand from the broken window sill.

She ran head first toward the open door and looked around the hallways. The creatures that had made it were in, so she ran to the right. They were faster than her, a lot faster. Despite her head start, they were already very close. She reached for her favorite blade, just to realize she had left it in the other room.

Grabbing the next blade out of her blade she ran even faster. One of them lunched and Willow turned around right in time to stab it in the stomach mid air. The other ones were upon her.

She couldn't fight that many, they were inches from her and she turned to run again, but she knew she could never run fast enough. Just a three lunched at her at the same time, her body was hurled into a wall by an unknown force.

"Get up!" A strangely familiar voice snapped. Willow opened her eyes and got up just to see Princess Elanora fighting the creatures. Willow took the blade she had dropped and tried to get into the fight, but Elanora seemed to get them all.

She was so <I>fast!</I> Her arms and legs were blurs as piles of the creatures built up. Willow gaped and felt absolutely useless as Elanora stabbed the last of them.

The Princess turned to look at her, "Come on!" She said, roughly grabbing Willow's arm and dragging her after her.

It was then, running with Elanora, that she realized how much her body ached. Her back and chest felt splintered, her hands could were on fire with the glass still in them and her head was spinning, probably from the blood lost.

By the time Elanora led her into a bleach white room, Willow could barely stand straight. The Princess sat Willow onto a marble table and went to the door.

She started to speak in an what Willow guessed in Elfish. Willow wondered momentarily why she was speaking to the door. Than the most wondrous thing happened: It was as if ribbons of blue air came from her mouth and trapped themselves into the door. Willow knew -even though it was a guess, she knew- that Elanora had locked the door, like Nero had with the one in the room.

By the time Elanora turned back to Willow, Willow felt like she was dying. The air was coming slower and a darkness pushed on her.

In moments, the darkness took over.


<B>Sorry, very short, quick chapter.</B>

<B>News on Willow's Legend! There will be around five to seven chapters before Willow's Legend ends! Yes, five to seven chapters! :D</B>

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