Chapter 37

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  • Dedicated to All My Amazing Fans!

Chapter 37 (The final chapter):

Willow sat on her windowsill and looked outside, they had left to the smoking building not too long ago. It was pointless to be worried, they did these things constantly, but, Willow couldn't help herself.

She obsessively watched the smoking village, hoping she could make something out. She was so set on trying to catch a sight of blonde hair or long brown one, that it wasn't until there was a boom at her door, did she realized they were being attacked.


Chris felt horrible, there was a terrible pit at the end of his stomach. He dragged the large furniture with Cirestain in front of Willow's door. Cirestain seemed completely unaffected, but then again, he had been working with Machire for so long, he was probably used to betraying people.

The Smoulders and Bolesgire were already at the doors of RiverPlain, there were very few Ganashes here. Most of them -like Michael, Alicia, and Chelsea- had left to the village.

Just as planned.

After what seemed like the thirtieth piece of heavy furniture slammed against the door, Cirestain rubbed his hands together. "Well done." He said.

Chris looked over at Willow's door. The Bolesgire and Smoulders would go through the windows and Willow would be stuck in that room.

Without weapons.

Without hope.

And with sure death.


Willow slammed herself against her bedroom door over and over again, until she was sure she had dislocated her shoulder. She knew this was different from the Elves. The Elves had magically locked the door, this time, somebody had put something in front of it. A lot of somethings.

She ran to the window just to see them climbing the walls, really, just like at the Elamore.

But, unlike in Elamore, she had no weapons. Nothing to help her defeat the monsters. A Ganash Blade would've been handy in this situation, but of course, no such luck.

She remembered what Michael had said if she were weaponless.

"Anything can be a weapon."

Willow looked around, anything could be a weapon. She grabbed the bedside table and (as hard as she could) threw it against the bed post. The bed post shattered and Willow was glad of all those pushups she had done. The canopy bed collapsed entirely.

Grabbing the largest and pointiest broken part of the bed, she hid. Maybe if they couldn't see her, they wouldn't come in.

Silently closing her closet door; she waited, hardly breathing at all. Her make shift weapon slightly shaking in her hand. It was dark and she heard her window crash. There was shuffling and an awful gurgling noise.

"Ur javiaon Glasspiers conbre!"

One of the monsters said, she guessed it was the Bolesgire. Chelsea had said that Bolesgire had their own language. Willow hadn't understood a thing, except her last name in that sentence. Holding her breath, she knew they were searching her room and would soon arrive to the closet. She couldn't tell how many there was, but it was more than she could handle with only one stake. If they couldn't see her, could they catch her?

Very efficiently she climbed the racks and held onto one of the wooden beams at the ceiling of the closet. She had gotten all this agility from Alicia's lessons. Hanging onto the top beams, the Bolesgire broke the door open (which Willow thought was unnecessary). They sniffed around and -as if a dog catching the smell of their prey- their heads snapped to Willow.

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