Chapter 7

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(Up to when its Kevin's point of view, to make it more atmospheric, you can play 'Do I wanna know?' By Arctic Monkeys)

Author speaking
A month had past and you join me at Southside high. A new boy walked in and the world seemed to go in slow motion

Everyone stared at him as he walked made his way to the principal's office. He wasn't dressed in his usual fashion, instead he was wearing tight blue jeans, a new white t shirt and a pitch black leather jacket

He was stopped by a group of people who looked about his age

Kevin POV
"What are you doing Keller?" Said a boy with his his hair tucked under a emerald green beanie. He was wearing a t shirt of the matching colour, black jeans that were mostly rips and a serpent jacket. He had a hand around my throat, keeping me to the wall

"Didn't you hear? I live on the southside now" I say with a slight smirk as his, and all of the others, mouths opened in shock

"Now, let him go Leo" said a familiar voice. A voice that I loved. The group turned to Joaquin and the boy - who I now know as Leo - let go of my throat

"And if your wandering why he's here, he lives with me now and I want his to have as much of an education that he can have" Joaquin walks to me and kisses me softly but briefly

He pulls me to the principal's office and talks to him, signing papers and all that

"It was nice to see you again Joaquin" said the principal with a smile as we left

Joaquin passed me my time table "I'll be going around with you for thworlds) of the day and tomorrow" he said, kissing my head and taking my hand

He pulled me to a room and knocked the door. A teacher that looked to be in her 50's opened the door

"You must be Kevin" she smiled and led me and Joaquin to a table

She continued talking and not long after, my phone started to buzz. I hung up not looking at the caller ID or number

After class, I looked at my recent calls. Turns out I had missed 7 calls from Veronica, 2 calls from Betty and 4 from Cheryl

I called Veronica:
Me- Um, hey V
Veronica- Kev, where are you?
M: I'm at southside high...
V: WHAT!? why?
M: I live with Joaquin now...
V: why didn't you say?
M: I wasn't sure how'd you react
V: okay... Talk to you later, okay?
M: okay...

I hang up and put my phone on silent and shove it back in my pocket

I feel Joaquin wrap his arms around my waist "everything okay preppy" he asks, kissing my neck slightly

"Yeah, just Veronica worrying" I reply as I turn around to him and wrap my arms around his neck "now let's go to lunch"

We walk to lunch and sit with some of Joaquin's friends who are in there last year or two of high school

Me and Joaquin share fries and I liked talking to his friends

After about 30mins, I hear the familiar clicking of heels echo around the lunch hall

I turn to see Betty, Veronica and Cheryl walk in my direction

"What the heck are you guys doing here!?" I half whispered, half yelled

"We're taking you back to Riverdale high, its were you belong" says Veronica, folding her arms, the other girl coping her action a few moments later

"Well, not anymore. I belong here now. With Joaquin" I say "so if you don't mind, could you leave"

They stand there, frozen in shock. They all look like fish as one by one, they opens there mouths to talk just closing them again, minds black

Veronica turns on her heel and starts walking away, the girls following her.

I smirk and turn back to Joaquin and his friends

I think I'm going to like it here

(AN: so, this is a recommendation. You should go read 'Bloodstream' by lottiepop070904 because its good and Riverdale)

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