Chapter 13

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Joaquin POV
I woke up with a headache. I was in an unfamiliar white room. I started to panic until I heard the sweet voice of Kevin

"Calm down babe" he sat next to my chest and stroked my hair "your in the hospital"

I struggled to talk, my throat burned. "W-why?" Escaped my lips finally. A concerned look plastered itself on Kevin face

"Don't you remember?" He said "You and Moose got in a huge fight because he wouldn't leave you alone. You got knocked out eventually" he sighed

I didn't remember a single moment of it, the last thing I remembered was going to pop's with Kevin

"How long have I been out?" I say, trying to sit up but giving up when my ribs have taken enough pain

"About two days" Kevin said, placing a hand on my chest, obviously trying to keep me down "just stay still"

He proceeded to lay next to me, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers. A small smile creeps onto my face

I move down the bed a bit and put my head on his chest, kissing it softly

"Cheryl's looking after Rocky. Until you get better, I'm staying here" kev said softly as he stroked my hair

My eyes started getting heavy and I started falling asleep


(Flashback to the fight)

Kevin POV
It's 7pm. I still have to wait half an hour for Joaquin to get back from the job he had to do

I got in the shower to pass time and got changed just as Joaquin arrived. I half ran to the door, wanting a kiss

He opened the old trailer door and I immediately crashed my lips into his. He kissed back, smiling and wrapped his arms around my waist

He broke off "let me get changed quickly and then we'll go." He ran to our room and came out about five minuets later

We walked out. "Car or bike?" He said, locking the door. I looked at the options and thought for a while ""

He started his motorbike and gave the only helmet to me. I grabbed onto his waist and he started driving

We got to pop's in under 10 minutes and found Betty, Veronica, Jughead and Archie already there

We walk up to them. "Shit" I hear Joaquin whisper as I'm about to sit down I look in the direction that he's looking in and see Moose. Of course

I sit and pull Joaquin next to me "don't pay attention to him Joa, he isn't worth it" I say, intertwining our fingers

He bring our hands up to his lips and kisses mine. We turn to the others and we talk about random stuff until a dark haired waiter comes up to us

We order and watch him leave. We're about to got back to talking when Moose comes up to us with a smirk on his face

He sits next to Joaquin who pushes into me, making me push Jughead up to the wall

I turn to Joa and Moose and see Moose has his hand on Joaquin's thigh. My nails dig into my palms, making blood come though the cracks separating my fingers

Betty notices and takes my hands under the table, separating my palms and nails

"Could you please leave, you pig" says Veronica looking at Moose who then turns to me

"You heard the woman Kev, goodbye" Moose says with a smirk. He then squeezes Joaquin's thigh, who obviously hadn't noticed his hand being there

Joaquin pushes Moose onto the floor and takes my hands from Betty's. He holds my hands and kisses them softly. He begins to wipe the blood off them

Moose takes Joaquin's jaw, turns his head around and kisses him. Joaquin immediately punches him and throws him to floor, once again

Blood starts coming from Moose's nose and he wipes it away. He grabs Joaquin's collar and throws him to the floor

Moose kicks his side and steps on his throat. I felt Jughead hold me back and Archie got up and walked over to them

He pushed Moose of Joaquin. Moose punched him and stepped on Joaquin's nose. He then stepped on Joaquin's stomach, causing him to roll over and start to cough up blood

Everyone had left pops at this point and Jughead let me go. I ran up to Moose and pushed him down punching him until he got up and left

I ran to Joaquin who had fallen unconscious. Betty called the hospital

I got in the ambulance with him and cried silently. God I was nervous

I fell for you when I wasn't meant to [Joavin] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now