Chapter 8

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Joaquin POV
Warm tears fall down my cheeks and down onto Kevin's chest. My best friend Rich had passed away

I heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it baby" said Kevin, who kissed my head and walked out of the room. I felt cold without him

He came back in about 5 minutes later "you are needed my king" he said with a slight smile

I walked passed him, him stopping me to wipe away some tears

At the door stood a man in a suit with a piece of paper in his hand. He focused on me

"Joaquin Desantos, since you are the main godfather of Rocky Quinn, son of the late Rich Quinn, he is now your responsibility unless you want him to be the responsibility of his second godfather or godmother"

"Um, sure, I'll look after Rocky" I say with a smile, wanting something to cheer me up

"I'll bring him here around five pm" he looks around "clean up a bit." He smiles and leaves, Kev closing the door behind him

"So...I'll start cleaning while you go have a shower" Kevin says, kissing me softly for about 5 seconds

I follow his instructions and walk to the bathroom to have a shower


Kevin POV
It's 4:50 and Joaquin looks super nervous. I kiss his neck softly, trying to calm him slightly

I look at his palms and see what I see on Betty's palms a lot. Blood and cuts the shape of nails

I hear a knock and get up. I answer the door and the man from before was standing there but this time with a small boy. Rocky. The man comes in and walks to the living room

He sits on the chair opposite the couch, where Joaquin was sitting

Rocky ran after the man and ran to Joaquin who now had his arms stretched out. He hugged Rocky with his hands clenched, hiding the blood.
He wiped the blood onto his jeans when the man calls the young boy to him

For an hour or two, me and  Joaquin are told everything we need to know and sign multiple sheets of paper

The man leaves, meaning me, Joaquin and Rocky are alone

"Rocky, this is Kevin" says Joaquin, pointing at me "he's my boyfriend and he's going to help me look after you"
Joaquin smiled as Rocky walked up to me

"Ewo Kevin" says Rocky in a sweet and innocent voice. He smiles up at me a stretches him arms out

I pick him up "hi" I smile at him and his smile grows wider

God I can't wait to be a dad-figure, I guess

I fell for you when I wasn't meant to [Joavin] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now