Stop Being So Damn Cute!!

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Jenn rolled over on her side as soon as she heard her phone buzz. The phone was lit up with the words "Hey, how was your day?" Written on the screen.

"It was okay, I guess, hbu?"

Alyx smirked at the response, of course her face was as lit up as her phone because she was shoked Jenn replied that fast.
"Mine was okay, did nothing but sit at home and binge watch shows on Netflix :p"

"Cool well wanna come over and hang? I'm horny and bored"

Both Alyx and Jenn looked surprised at what the blonde wrote.
"HORNY!!!" Jenn said again

"Ok Jenn, I get it, you're horny lol"

"No, I'm hungry!! Not horny!!!"

Alyx died of laughter and responded to Jenn's text.

"Okay, well I'll bring over some take out in a few, wait up tho, don't start doing anything (or anyone) without me haha"
Jenn rolled her eyes and laughed. "Okay, take out sounds great, see you in a few!" Alyx didn't respond and instead called in the order for take out, took a  quick shower, got dressed and headed out.

Alyx soon made it to Jenn's place, smiling like a dork when she got there.
"Hey! Come in!" Jenn said with a wide smile.

The two soon began to eat while watching orange is the new black. Of course, it wasn't long before the two of them were laying on the couch holding each other.
"Hey Alyx...?" Jenn said softly.
"Yeah sweetie?"
"Have you ever thought about me... Like you know..."

"Um, why?"

"Just curious..."

"Well yeah, but not sexually..."

"Oh... Oh!"
Jenn soon grabbed Alyx's hand and laced their fingers.

"Ya know... I did mean to put horny...'


"Shut up..." Jenn said playfully.

"How about we save that for later and for now just enjoy each other's company, after all we should since we're gonna be dating and all."

Jenn smirked and kissed Alyx's cheek "Stop being so damn cute" Alyx laughed and captured Jenn's lips "No you..."


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