First mission

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That night, Green Arrow brought in another girl. "More people. yay!" Megan cheered and I smiled. I turned to Batman, "can I change anywhere?" I asked him.

"Robin, take her to one of the spare rooms." He said and Robin nodded leading me to an empty room to change into my uniform.

" He said and Robin nodded leading me to an empty room to change into my uniform

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(In case you forgot)

I came back out and saw Robin waiting for me. "Did you wait long?" I asked him.

"Nah." He smiled at me and I smiled and pulled up my mask covering my mouth and nose, but left my hood down.

I went outside and talked with the others, getting to know them. "She's my new protege." Green Arrow said to a boy I wasn't introduced to yet.

"What happened to your old one?" he asked Green Arrow.

"Recognized Speedy, B07." the computer voice said.

"For starters, he doesn't go by Speedy anymore." a guy dressed in red and had a bow and arrow on his back said. "Call me Red Arrow." he said.

"Very original.." I muttered and crossed my arms.

"Roy, you look..." Green Arrow started.

"Replaceable." Red Arrow said to Green.

"It's not like that. You told me you were going solo." Green said to him.

"Why waste time finding a sub? Can she even use that bow?" Red taunted and Artemis, I believe her name was stood up for herself.

"Yes, I can." she said and I smiled watching the interaction.

"She's my niece." Green said.

"Another niece?" Robin asked.

"She is not your replacement. We've always wanted you on the team." Kaldur said to Red. "And we have no quota on archers." he finished.

"And if we did, you'd know who we'd pick." the guy whose name I still don't know said.

"Whatever, I'm here to stay." Artemis said to red.

"You came to us for a reason." Kaldur said to red.

"Yeah, doctor Serling Roquette." Red said. 

Robin then said something I did not understand at all. I listened as Red explained about a weapon that is able to steal secret information.

Red then left and I looked at the others, "Is it always like this?" I asked.

"Eh, usually." Robin said and we all left for the high school where the doctor was being hidden.

When we got to the school, I was in the room with most of the team. "Everybody on?" I heard in my head.

"Ugh, this is.. weird." I heard Artemis say.

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