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It has been a while since I left the team and became (V/n). I have been keeping a low profile as Aqualad's right hand man. Artemis stood next to me and I nodded telling her that I would be okay. We were on our way to Mount Justice.

When we arrived, we started to put inhibitor collars on them all. I was tasked with getting Nightwing. I walked around the halls and found them all in a fight. I ran into it and kicked Nightwing away from one of my... comrades..

He glared at me and I got in a fighting position. He ran at me and I jumped up over him and put the collar on him as I flipped over him and landed on the other side. He smirked at me. "Sorry, no powers for you to block." He smirked and ran at me pinning me.

"Don't count on it." I smirked and I pulled out a remote from my sleeves and clicked the red button and he was electrocuted. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

All that was left now was blue beetle. We were about to fight again until Equaled pulled out his bomb. Blue reluctantly came with us. "(V/n), stay here in case any of them manage to escape." He said to me and I nodded. When they were out of sight, I quickly went around and found sphere. She instantly recognized me and I smiled at her.

I ran back to find wolf on the couch, passed out. I placed Wolf on sphere then went to get Garfield from his room. I then went into the main hall. I grabbed Conner and threw him onto sphere. I grabbed Bart as well and threw him on. I carried Dick over my shoulders and got on sphere. I made sure we were all securely on and then Sphere took us all outside. Just as the Mountain blew up, we made it to the ocean. I sighed in relief. I lay Dick down and faced him towards me and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before leaving so that no one would find out.

I wasn't exactly expected to go back so soon, so I walked around the city. By walk, I mean jumping from roof to roof. I stopped on a tall building and looked over the city. I heard a gun click behind me. I raised up my arms, and turned around slowly. I saw it was Jason, more specifically red hood.

"I saw you leave the explosion site." he said stepping closer to me.

""Yeah? so?" I asked him.

"Who are you?" He asked me.

"Your ex." I said and he looked at me like I was insane.

"Yes, and I'm Bill Cosby." He said stepping closer to me with his gun to my head.

"Jay, it's me." I smiled and slowly reached for the clasp on my necklace.

"Wait, not here." He said and pulled my arm and jumped off the building and we landed on a motorcycle and he drove me out of the city and we ended up in a small cave that opened up to a room. "One of my safe houses." he said and sat down.

"Sweet." I smiled and took the necklace off, and showing him that I was alive.

"... I don't know if I should be happy you are alive, or angry that you lied.." he said and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you." he said quickly.

"I missed everyone, but this is part of the job.." I said pulling away and putting  my necklace back on.

"Who else knows?" he asked me.

"Only a few... including you, Nightwing, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Artemis.." I said and stood up.

"Leaving?" he asked and I nodded.

"They will get suspicious if I'm gone for too long.." I said and gave him a hug.

"You better explain things when you get back.." he said and I nodded, leaving his safe house and flying to the Pacific. I dove into the water, holding my breathe and found the ship. I punched in a few numbers and went inside. I popped my head out of the water, my hair sticking to my face. I saw a hand in front of me. I looked up at Tigress and she nodded and I nodded and she pulled me up, handing me a towel. We walked side by side towards my sleeping quarters so that I could dry off more.

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