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~5 years~

I was in the kitchen, making dinner. The sound of the door opening and closing caused me to turn around. I saw Dick come in and he seemed upset. "Something wrong?" I asked him and he walked towards me and tossed the mail onto the table and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head in my neck.

"I'm tired, nothing big..." He mumbled and hugged me tighter.

"Are you good for patrol tonight? I can go if you are tired." I said quietly and ran my fingers through his unkempt hair.

"No, you stay home and take care of junior... I'll patrol. I'm okay. Promise." He said and kissed my cheek.

"At least call someone to help?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Will it make you feel better if I do?" He asked.

"Yes." I said and he smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"I'll ask Timmy and Jay, alright?" He asked and I nodded.

"(S/n) is sleeping right now, so make sure to stay quiet." I said and he nodded before walking into the room.

I heard my cell ring, and I got my phone and answered. "Hello?" I asked as I cut up some onions.

"Hello? (Y/n)?" I heard on the phone.

"Yes Bruce?" I asked putting the chopped onions in the pan.

"Alfred would like to know if you and Dick would like to come for dinner tomorrow night for his Damian's birthday." He said to us.

"Oh, sure. I'll ask Dick later, and call you back." I said and then we said our goodbyes and hung up. "Come to think of it, I don't believe I've met Damian yet." I thought as I plated the steak to rest on the side.

"Tim said he'll come with me on patrol." Dick said coming back, changed into his PJ pants, but no shirt.

"Okay, Tim can come over for dinner before you both leave for patrol." I said as I prepared some other things.

"I'll send him a text." Dick said and took his phone out.

"By the way, Alfred wants to know if we want to go over tomorrow for Damian's birthday" I said washing my hands.

"Dami's birthday? Yeah sure." He said and I nodded.


I was fixing my hair while Dick was putting on his shirt. "So, what is Damian like?" I asked.

"Well, he's you know..." Dick said and shrugged.

"That's so helpful." I smiled rolling my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, so what about (S/n)?" Dick asked.

"I didn't want to bring him, since he's only 1, so I asked Wally and Arty to look after him, after all, (S/n) can play with their little kids too." I said as I fixed Dick's shirt.

"Alright, let's get going, don't wanna be late." He smiled at me and I nodded.

We got to the manor, and Alfred led us in with a smile. Inside I saw the family was already there, gathered and eating. "Hey guys!" I said and Tim and Jay smiled and waved at me. I walked over to them and hugged them. "How are you two?" I asked as Jay gave me a coke.

"Good." Tim said shrugging and drinking some coffee.

"You two are getting along?" I asked looking between the 2.

"Why not? It's demon's birthday." Jay said shrugging.

"Demon?" I asked.

"He means Master Damian." I turned to see Alfred. I gave him a hug, and he hugged me in return.

Robin x Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now