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"What mission is it this time?" I asked Dick as we walked towards the nearest zeta tube.

"You'll know at the briefing." He said and ruffled my hair.

"Did you really ask Artemis to come help?" I asked moving my hair out of my face.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Is Wally okay with this?" I asked.

".. he knows... he doesn't like it." He finished.

"Are you okay with this?" I asked.

"Yeah... it has to be done.." he said and leaned down and kissed my cheek, "Are you sure you are okay with this?" he asked holding my hand.

"I'll be okay. Just take care of yourself after all this." I said and kissed him softly and pulled away walking into the zeta tube first.

I walked out from the zeta tube and saw the others all just doing their usual things. Dick then came in and stood next to me. He gave me a look and I nodded and he went to talk with Superboy and Mal. I sat on the side and watched the chat. 

"Call me when it's time for the briefing." Superboy said as he began to walk away.

"Recognized, Artemis B07." The computer said.

"Time for the briefing." Dick said towards Superboy. I stood up and dusted off my pants and walked towards Dick as everyone crowded around her.

"Okay gama squad, listen up. The mission is Cape Canaveral." He pulled up an image of a rocket launching site. "Covert op to safe guard the first Mars comp sat. There are people out there who don't even like the idea of aliens. And will do anything to scrub this launch." He said.

I glanced at M'gann, "But that's why I came back. Cause not all of us feel that way." Artemis said to her with her hand on M'gann's shoulder.

"So why are you going?" Mal asked Dick.

"Let's just that after running this team for a year.. I'm peckish for a little action." He said looking at Mal.


We were all in our positions overlooking the launch. "That Godfrey or whatever... I hate him." I muttered.

"Yeah yeah. We had this conversation before." Dick said pinching my cheek smiling.

I rolled my eyes and put the binoculars to my eyes, and looked for anything suspicious. "If anything else, we have a nice view." Artemis said after looking over the ocean.

"Miss M, link us up." Nightwing said and I felt a small tingle down my spine as I felt the mind link connect to my mind.

"Link established." I heard M'gann over the link.

"Good. Begin aerial sweep of the perimeter." Nightwing ordered.

"Boss, I'd be happy to join my angel fish on that assignment." Lagoon boy said.

I scrunched my face up and rolled my eyes at his comment. "Negative Lagoon boy. You're right where I need you. Giving me maximum coverage. In the water, on land and in the air. In case there is any attempt at sabotage." He said to him.

"So he's water boy?" I asked aloud.

"We don't have anyone else who can breathe underwater." Nightwing said to me.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged and turned to the rocket as I heard the buzz for launch preparations.

"I know I'm not Wally's favorite person right now." I heard Nightwing say to Artemis. "But it is nice to have you back." He said turning to Artemis.

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