Chapter 11:Frienemies

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Time skip... (A few weeks later)

Applejack's POV

My most hated subject of all, the only thing we do in gym are soccer practice, tennis, basketball and all that jizz. I didn't want to join the soccer team, but Sunset wanted me to, on the count of that she's the only one in our group who actually plays soccer.

I'm not saying that I can't play I know how to play soccer and I'm pretty good at it, the only down side is that everyday, soccer practice starts, so I get an extra hour in school.

I got to the field in my gym uniform, the teams are black anf white. I'm on the white team along with Sunset. Sunset is the captain of the white team, so she gets to make the decisions on who's gonna be on her team.

I was picked of course, cause she didn't want to be lonely. As I stood in my place, I saw the captain of the black team, and it was Rainbow! Oh, this is gonna be a fun game! I can feel it.

Coach whistled as Sunset kicked the ball to me. Rainbow looked at me in surprised, guess she didn't know that I was in the soccer team. Hmm, she's on 3 and I still only have 1... Time for payback.

I ran to the goal kicking the ball, dodging everysingle player in the black team. Rainbow was infront of me, I couldn't get a clear shot at the goal so, I passed it to Cameo as a distraction so Rainbow would get out of the way and I can get closer to the goal.

When I was close enough, I waved at Cameo, signaling 'I'm open'. He gave one firm nod and kicked the ball as high as he could, Rainbow looked over to me with eyes wide. I smirked and head butted the ball into the goal, giving us a point!

Rainbow was furious. The ball was passed on to her, she ran fast along with the ball, I was trying my hardest to steal the ball from her but, she's too good! I can't steal it.

She got closer to the goal and kicked it about in the middle of the field all the way to the goal on the other side, my jaw dropped as I saw that kick, her legs are powerful!

"Never taunt me cowgirl." She teased. I have no idea why, but when she called me cowgirl, I blushed hard. I tried hiding it by timing out so I could just let it fade away. I have a crush? On her? This can't be happening! What would mom and dad think?

Time Skip...

The practice was finished, I was about to go home, when I saw Rainbowdash sitting on the bench looking over to Spitfire and the others sadly.

I felt bad so I went near her. "Hey," I called out. "Why are you looking at your friends like that? And why are you here? Shouldn't you be with them?" I asked, pointing to the direction where Spitfire's group are standing.

"They're not my friends." She said bitterly. I stumbled back as my eyes went wide and my mouth opened a little, they were friends when we were at the canteen a few weeks back, what happened?

"What happened? Was it bacause of the fight?"

"Of course it was because of the fight... I got them beaten up, they hate it when they lose. So, they kicked me out of the group, but Rarity and Pinkie stuck up with me..."

I covered my mouth in surprise, it was because of me? I didn't mean to, I didn't want to ruin any friendships! "Oh my gosh! Rainbow, I'm so sorry..." I apologized, tears forming in my eyes...

Rainbowdash's POV
"Oh my gosh! Rainbow, I'm so sorry..."
That got me to lose my stare on Spitfire and the others and looked at Jewel. She was apologizing? For what? I never ever heard her apologize before. "I didn't mean to ruin your friendship with them... I just wanted to prove that I can be strong. I'm so sorry." She added, tears flowing down her eyes. Again! I have never seen her cry! Is she really sincere about this?!

"Hey, don't cry. Someone might pass by and thought I did something to you." I said in a complaining tone, I don't want her to know my crush on her.

She did, somehow, stopped crying. She wiped her tears away and looked at me, "I'm going to make this right." She said as she marched up to Spitfire. Hay! No! She's not gonna seriously do it, will she?

I just watched from the benches, as she walked to them. When she did, I saw her talking, is she really doing this? For me?

My thoughts were interupted when I saw Fleetfoot hit Jewel with a wooden baseball bat on the head. I shotbup from the bench and ran over to her. "What the heck is wrong with you!?" I shouted at them, as I knelt down and covered Jewel's bleeding headbwith my handkerchief as she was unconcious. "What did she ever do?!"

"She was telling us that you need friends, and that she was sorry about what happened in the cafeteria yesterday." Fleetfoot said.

"And you know us Dash. We don't do sympathy." Gilda added.

I punched her right across the face, all of them. "You guys are worthless!" I shouted with pure anger. "She just wanted to help! Knocking her unconcious is just a thing that a devil would do!" I shouted, as I carried Jewel to the janitor's closet. Good thing I had my hoodie so I wouldn't be recognized by anyone.

I locked the janitor's closet, as I searched for the first aid kit I stashed in here. Once I found it, I patched up Jewel's head. She groaned as she slowly lifted her eyelids, I pulled down my hood and took of the shades I wore.

She looked at me and sat up slowly. "Why are we in the janitor's closet?" She asked.

"I carried you here, after Fleetfoot banged you on the head with a bat." I said. "Does your head hurt? Do you have any more questions? Do you still remember me?"

"Yeah, I didn't have amnesia, but my head does still hurts."

"Here, let me." I said, I assisted her to stand up so she wouldn't fall or trip. I opened the door and helped her out.

"Hey, thanks for helping me." She said. I chuckled.

"I should be the one thanking you."

"What? But, I didn't do anything."

"Yeah you did. You tried to get my friendship back with Spitfire and the others, none has ever done that for me before."

"Oh, well then you're welcome and thank you."

I chuckled at her response, is there anything that she can't do to make me fall for her?

"Hey, since you don't have a group now. Wanna join ours? We would be happy to be your friend." She offered.

My eyes are completely wide! She asked me to be in her group? After all those bad things I've been doing to her? "Why?" I asked.

"I just feel like you're lonely, even if you have two friends with you. You could invite your friends too, we can all be friends."

"Sure, I'll be in your group in one condition."

"Sure what is it?"

"We're only frienemies... Deal?"

She smirked and held out a hand that I gladly took and shook it.


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