Chapter 14: Revealing Secrets

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Applejack's POV
I woke up the next morning to find my friends still asleep, except for one. She was looking out the window and staring off at a distance

I got out of bed and went beside her. "Hey..." I called to her. "Is there something bothering you?"

"No... I just miss my little sister, that's all." She said. She had a sister?

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah, her name was Watercolor. She loves painting and doodling on paper. Blitz and I were very to each other... But, Blitz accidentaly left Watercolor in the super market when we were younger, we went back to get her, when we saw her trying to cross the road by herself, and... Got ran over by a truck. Since that day, I never trusted Blitz again. I only trusted in myself and my parents."

"I'm so sorry..."

"It's not your fault... I'm surprised that you didn't judge me about that."

"I'm not judgy."

"I've been meaning to ask you... Why did you stutter last night? Then ran back in the mansion, and you looked a bit pale too, is something wrong?"

I bit my lower lip, should I tell her? Twilight and the others know already except for Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow... I guess I should, she might understand.

"I... I have a weak heart..." I said, trying my best to not look at her.

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've helped."

"The doctors said that... It cannot be healed, and my life is going to end if ever I trigger it."

"Well... What trigger's it?"

"Extreme emotions. Like, too excited, too scared, being exhausted... And feeling undeniable love. That's why I never hang around boys, I don't want to make that same mistake again..."

"What mistake?"

"I fell for someone when I moved to Appleoosa, I didn't think that he would ever leave me, he understood my situation and tried to not over do the whole relationship thing. But, one day, he came to the house where I was staying in and... And..."


"He broke up with me..."

Rainbowdash's POV

"He broke up with me..."

That's the only sentence I would doubt. Jewel... Jewel just got dumped? How!? She's very sweet, kind, gentle, stubborn at times but still cares for the people she loves, plus she's beautiful in and out!

"That's horrible! He's such a jerk! What did you ever do to make him break up with you?" I asked, anger in the tone of my voice.

"He said that he was tired of having to deal with me and my sickness... He didn't want to be bothered anymore, so he decided that we should be apart. And because of that break up, my heart couldn't take it. I never felt heartbreak before, it beated so slow, like real slow. Cider, Candy and Honey helped me to calm down and forget about him... I still can't get over it till now, it still hurts a little just thinking about it..."

As she said that, she held on to her chest. I quickly grabbed the water I had beside me when I woke up an hour ago and gave it to her.

She gladly drank it and thanked me, I just nodded as a reply. She wiped a few stray tears that unconciously fell from her eyes.

I don't know what got over me but, I hugged her... I hugged her in my arms tightly. I don't know why, but it's what my heart is telling me to do, and it just feels so right. Us like this, her in my arms, it feels great...

Suddenly, she bursted out crying on to my chest.

[Look guys, in this story. I made Dash taller than Aj, I have no idea of where the whole 'Aj is taller than Dash' thing came from, but I'll stick with my idea, if it's canon then this is my fanfic. Sorry if I made some readers mad about this sudden change.]

As I recall, she said she can't handle extreme emotions, but this... This is a little bit too much. I heard her hieve and her hand went to her chest, I took that as a hint. I carried her to her room and settled her on the bed. God this room is so pink!

"By...the... Sink...hieeve!" She barely said to a whisper. I ran in the bathroom and grabbed it, I returned back to her and made her drink it. She shot up panting like her life depended on it, and in this case it really does.

"You alright? Anything else you need?" I asked. She shook her head and smiled at me.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room, just in time too cause the girls were already awake and were about to go to the dining area. Jewel just dragged me all the way, but I don't mind I like it like this, my hand in hers, it feels great.

"Goodmorning girls. Come now, let's eat." Jewel's mom offered, by then Jewel decided to let go of my hand. Nooo! Hold it! 😦

I sat down beside Jewel and ate, I love the food here, it tastes amazing.

After breakfast the girls decided to go swimming. Good thing Jewel had these extra swimwear.

Applejack's POV
"Uhh... Twi we have a problem..."

Twilight quickly came to me and Fluttershy in the shower room to take a look on what was wrong. "What is Aj?" She asked.

"Mom hid my swim suit... And I have to wear a bikini! Mom always does this whenever I would swim!" I complained. Yeah, mom always hide's my original swimsuit, which hides skin. Now I have to wear this bikini.... Infront of all of them!

"Aj, don't be ashamed! Look me and Sunset are in bikinis too, and you have been going to the gym this summer, you have curves Aj, plus we won't judge." Twilight reassured.

I'm just worried of what Dash would think, she might think that I'm trying to show off... Well, I can't do anything now, I can't keep them waiting.

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