Chapter 12: So Close

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Applejack's POV

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Honey exclaimed. "What have I told you about frienemies Jewel! You never listen!"

"Come on Apple Honey, please. Give them a chance, they need friends too." I pleaded. She just sighed and agreed.

Rarity and Pinkiepie were here too along with Rainbow, we already talked to them and they instantly agreed, well it took some time to persuade Rarity, but she came around in the end.

I also invited them to my house for the sleepover, I already told Skyler, Mom and Dad, and they agreed. We are all walking out the school, the other students staring at us, confused on why Rainbow was with us along with Rarity and Pinkie.

Honey, Cider and Candy were all busy so it's only me, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow. As expected the limo was already there to pick us up. Twilight had no problem with this cause she lives in an apartment with Sunset alone. Fluttershy had lived alone in a house just about yonder, Rarity and Pinkie also lived alone so they don't have to worry, Rainbow already called her parents and they agreed that she would attend the sleepover.

We got in the limo and talked all about random stuff. I'm glad that Rarity and Pinkie are already making friends with Fluttershy, Sunset and Twilight.

I sat next to Rainbow and just watched some vines, I don't really know what to do.

Time Skip... Cause I don't know what they will be doing in that limo, and that I'm too lazy to think of anything 😅

I hopped out of the limo along with my friends and led them to the front door. "Nana Cloud! I'm home!" I called out.

Rainbowdash's POV
Her house is huge! I mean, it is a mansion, but still!

"Welcome home Lady Jewel, I see that you've brought your friends. Come, let me take your bags and all of you go to the dinning area, I made snacks when I heard that you all will be coming to our humble mansion." A teenage girl said as she took our bags and placed them neatly on a table beside the door.

She's really rich! I mean, there's maids and butlers everywhere. "Thanks Vivian, tell Sunflower to prepare the huge vacant room and let Gary, Skyler and Speedy to set up 7 beds there, they'll be staying overnight." Jewel commanded. The girl called Vivian nodded and went off to call those guys Jewel mentioned.

Jewel led us to the dining area, it was huge and a crystal chandelire hanging above? That is so awesome!

I looked at the table, and my jaw literally dropped open, it was a buffet table full of snacks! I thought what that girl Vivian said that she prepared some snacks, I though it was only gonna be like popcorn or sandwiches.

"Don't be shy now, go eat. I'll just check on the room." Jewel said. As she left us in the room. Twilight grabbed a plate and took some pizza and a cupcake. Fluttershy took some salad, Pinkie being Pinkie, grabbed one whole cake, Rarity took some parmasan french toast, and I took turkey, cause I am so freaking hungry.

We heard some barking from the other room and suddenly a dog bursted through the door, followed close behind was Jewel, the girl called Vivian and a yellow skined girl, probably Sunflower.

"Oh hello there Winona, we haven't seen you in a long time now. How are you?" Fluttershy said, plaging with the dog. I finished my turkey and went over to Jewel.

"You have a dog?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, why do you say that like it's a bad thing."

"Oh nothing, I just never see you playing with a dog and getting all dirty."

"I'm not like any other rich kids. I want to live a simple life, but still have this wealth. So yeah, I'm different."

She smiled before calling everyone else to go to the room she had told us. When we got there, it was huge! Perfectly 7 beds are in there. I laid on one of them and it's like a cloud, so soft and fluffy.

Pinkie started jumping up and down on one of the beds, as Rarity did her make-up infront of the vanity in here. "Oohh! What about we play truth or dare! That would be fun!" Pinkie squealed. She's back to the old Pinkie, fun and out-going.

Everyone agreed as we sat in a circle, I sat next to Jewel of course. "I'll go first." Twilighg said. "Pinkiepie truth or dare?"


"Why did you turn into a gangster?"

We looked at Pinkie, waiting for an answer. "Cause I thought you, Fluttershy and Sunset wouldn't want me to be around anymore so I just stayed away. By the time I grew apart from you, I became like this." She said, looking down. So that's what happened? No wonder they got along just fine. "Alright my turn! Sunset, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to put one leg behind your head until this game is over."

Sunset just shrugged and stretched her leg then placed it behind her head. That looks so painful to me, god.. ''Alright, Rarity truth or dare?" Sunset asked.


"Same question from Twilighy, why did you become a bully?"

Rarity sighed, I remembered what she told me about that, I think it's about time she spill the beans. "When we were still best friends, we were all so popular and I was the most popular in all of you. That popularity went through my head and made me like a diva. I'm sorry if I ever bullied you guys..." Rarity apologized, Fluttershy and the others forgave her and hugged. "Alright, Jewel truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Rainbowdash on the lips!"

Me and Jewel blushed at that dare, we looked at eachbother then back at Rarity. "Hahahahah!" All of them laughed, and taunting us to do it. When a few moments passed, Jewel just decided to get it over it. She turned to me as I turned to her, I leaned in as she did, impact was almost there, when...

*arf! Arf!*

The dog called Winona pounced on me making me fall on the floor with her licking my face. Jewel giggled as everyone else groaned in annoyance ''Way to ruin the fun Winona!" Pinkie mumbled.

All of us laughed as Winona ran away. "Girls! Dinner is ready!" We heard a faint voice calling us.

"Come on, let's get tonthe dinning area. Mom and Dad would be thrilled to see you guys here again." Jewel said. We stood up and followed her to the dinning area.

Phew, that was so close!

But I am a little disappointed though...

Haha! Rainbow reallt wanted that kiss! Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter see you on the next one.

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