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"Hey..." I sat down, holding a scrapbook. "I'm here for our annual talk."


"Alright, so I built an orphanage. You would've loved to see it, I know how much you loved children. Fluttershy and Zephyr finally made amends, both graduating, well all of us graduated to be honest." I opened the scarpbook, looking at our graduation picture.


"Rarity opened a boutique, you wouldn't be surprised though, you always told me that she would eventually open one. Twilight and Sci runs a company now, they're really chasing after their dreams. Fluttershy's working on her pet shop and of course your shrine at home. Applebloom's doing great at school, she's at the top of the class. Big Mac's going back to Appleoosa tomorrow, to fix up your old home there. Sunset's working as a professor at CHS, so she's doing good. Pinkie's bakery is doing great, her cakes and pastry's are to die for." I stopped at the page where Pinkie sells her first cake.


"You know... I'm going to miss our time together. I cry every night, thinking of how I wasn't there for you... You were hurt and I didn't know. But, I can't blame anyone, not even myself, this was your decision."


"Remember that one time, we fell on the floor in the locker room and you blushed beet red, and I actually flirted with you. Don't worry, I never forgot that... I never forgot you."


"I love you... So much... I wish, you never had that disease, I wish you were here right now. You could've at least made a legacy or yourself... Legacy... What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you'll never get to see... So I doubt you'll even care if you didn't make a name for yourself, but at least you could've tried right? You could've tried and everyone would never forget you. But, I guess you don't even care if you're famous or something."


"I've been meaning to tell you this, you know that time when you arrived early at class and you were singing a song? I think you might've heard me when I tried to run away without being noticed. I love your voice... Your voice was amazing, the way you sung, God help me, it was the best sound I could ever hear. Why did you hide that talent from me?"


"I caught the girl who tried killing you. She was apparently your real mom's old boss, she didn't like the way your real mom quitted her job and swore to hunt down her whole family. I guess, she didn't get to you."


I closed the scrapbook and turned my head.

"Love, I won't be able to forgive myself if you lived on because you didn't want me to get hurt. It does, but I'm not mad... I'm happy that you're finally relieved, I'm satisfied that you're not feeling helpless anymore. I promise to stay alive for you until my time comes. You didn't see the rest of your glory, but you gladly joined the fight, and I will tell your story. Wait for it love, I will succeed for you and I will fight for you. You blew me away sweetheart, you truly did."


"I love you more than anything..."

I placed the flowers down on the ground and cried. "I'm sorry... I promised I wouldn't cey anymore, it's just..." I stopped, my breath hitched.

And maybe I'm going crazy, but I felt arms around me, chilly and cold. I touched the grave stone and traced her name.

Here lies
Applejackieline Pear Apple
"Applejewel Gemstone"
She was the best of women and the bet of friend.
Her memory lives on with her family

I stood up and turned around. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Gemstone, smiling a me weakly. I smiled back and got into their limo.

"Thank you Dash, for everything." Aunt Jade said.

"No, thank you." I replied.

"For what dear?" Uncle Jack asked.

I looked back at the graveyard...

"For giving me a chance to love."

I'll have to admit....

We were the best of enemies, to the best of couple.

The End

I regret nothing :p

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