i. first day of school

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Caroline Westbrook was woken up by the sound her alarm, groggily rubbing her eyes as she turned it off

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Caroline Westbrook was woken up by the sound her alarm, groggily rubbing her eyes as she turned it off. The sun shone through the curtains that covered her floor to ceiling windows, giving the impression that her room was glowing.

The redheaded girl pulled the curtains apart to let the sunlight enter the room. She smiled as she took in the spectacular view of the New York City skyline from her penthouse in Queens.

Caroline's parents worked in a very well known company and earned enough money that they were able move to the Big Apple. It was their dream to live there. They still worked with the same company though, and kept going back and forth between California and New York. It wasn't a very convenient plan, but it's what they wanted. 

Now that summer was over, Caroline was going to attend Midtown School of Science and Technology, funded by Tony Stark. She was going into her sophomore year and was quite nervous.

Midtown School was a STEM school, so she felt right at home. She was the top student of her class back in her other STEM school in California and she hoped that it would be the same here. Even though she loved science, she also loved art and music. She was quite good at both. Caroline had just started playing the ukulele and she was already getting good at it. The school had an arts program, which included music, so she brought her ukelele case with her.

Caroline got dressed, picked up her bags and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. The penthouse was deserted, her parents were back in California. She went over to the fridge and saw a note taped to the silver handle.

Good morning, darling. By the time you see this, your father and I will already be in California. Big meeting today! We're so sorry that we aren't there for your first day of school, but we're sure that you'll do great! Go out there and meet new people! Love you!


Caroline smiled at the piece of paper and took out a box that was already full of those types of notes and placed it in there. She took a deep breath and opened up the fridge to take out the milk. Even though she had the money to buy the most expensive breakfast in all of New York, she preferred cereal.

When she finished eating her breakfast, she washed the bowl and made her way out the door. During the elevator ride, she remembered what her mother had written on the note,"Go out there and meet new people!".

That was going to be hard for her. She was always alone, socially awkward, and a big introvert. But, she liked it that way. She preferred staying at home reading a book or binge watching show instead of being outside partying.

As she exited the lobby, she walked on the pavement and made her way to school. She loved walking through the streets of New York. It was a good chance for her to find new spots for her to hang out at or, instead, to eat at.

It was drizzling outside and the sky kept getting cloudier by the minute. Caroline loved rainy days, being all cozy with a good cup of hot chocolate. But instead she had to go to school. A raindrop made it's way onto her cheek and rolled all the way down her neck. She smiled to herself as she wiped it away.

Caroline passed by a newspaper stand and one of the papers caught her eye. She picked it up and read the headline, it read:

Red and Blue Vigilante Swings Across the Streets of Queens

Caroline rolled her eyes at the headline and put the newspaper back. A new superhero to deal with. It seemed as if there was a new one every other day. That's what she didn't like about New York, superhero fights breaking out when least expected. At least they were protecting the planet; she respected that.

The redheaded girl finally reached the school, but was knocked down by some kid racing up the stairs.

"Watch where you're going, band geek!" the boy sneered. Caroline stood up and picked up both of her bags, which had fallen off of her shoulders.

"Jerk," Caroline said under her breath.

"I know right," a random boy with chestnut eyes and hair said as he walked up the stairs towards Caroline. "Are-are you new? I don't recognize you."

"Yeah, I'm new," Caroline said shyly.

The boy looked at her two bags and then looked at her face. "Need help carrying you're bags?" he asked, his cheeks flushing pink.

"It's okay. I think I'll manage," she smiled.

He looked at one of her bags in particular. "Do you play an instrument?" he asked her.

"Why would you say that?" she asked distractedly.

He laughed as he pointed at her bag. "Probably because you have an instrument-shaped bag on your shoulder," he joked.

"Oh," Caroline realized as she looked at her ukelele case. "Yeah, I play the ukelele. I just started. But I can play the piano too." The girl didn't know why she had gotten so distracted.

"That's sick! I tried to play the tuba when I was five, it didn't work out."

"Probably because you were still pretty small and couldn't carry the instrument itself," Caroline rejoiced.

"That and because I don't have any talent."

"No, don't say that. You're here for a reason," she sympathized. "I bet you're pretty smart."

"That's actually pretty nice of you to say. I was actually top of my class," he whispered, while simultaneously blushing.

"I guess I'm going to give you a run for you're money. I also was top of my class," she smirked.

"It's on."

"I hope everyone in this school is as nice as you," she laughed, but then instantly regretted. She started blushing uncontrollably.

"Thanks," he blushed once again. "But I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. That guy who just tripped you is Flash Thompson, the official school bully."

"Thanks for the tip, I think. Well, I have to go. Don't want to be late on my first day. It was nice meeting you," she said, trying to avoid more conversation, after having embarrassed herself, and left his side. She looked back and saw the boy with a smile on his face.

After having left him, she realized something. She hadn't asked for his name. He seemed like a nice guy. Caroline thought of going back to ask him his name, but then ignored the thought because it would've been to awkward. That and she was about to be late for school.

Before opening the school doors she looked back, expecting to see the boy still there, but he wasn't. She looked sideways and he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Frowning, she made her way inside the school.

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