xi. make a good impression

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Peter frantically closed the door to his apartment and walked quickly towards his room

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Peter frantically closed the door to his apartment and walked quickly towards his room. That was until he found May sitting in the living room.

"In a rush?" she asked as she spun a spoon in her coffee.

"Yes, actually," Peter spoke nervously. "I have to get ready."

"For what?" she said as she straightened herself up, trying to seem more intimidating.

"Dinner, with Tony," he answered, leaving out a couple of more people.


"I have no idea!" he laughed awkwardly.

"Peter, I know you have that internship with Mr. Stark, but you have to make time for yourself. I don't want this to affect your studies or our time together."

"It won't, Aunt May. This is just a very important dinner, apparently. Now, please, can I go and get ready?"

"Fine," May agreed, she rolling her eyes in defeat.

"Thanks, May! You're the best," Peter smiled
as he ran into his room.

"I know," she spoke to herself.

Once he was in his room, he closed the door and let out a loud sigh. It was needless to say that he was stressed out. Peter didn't know the first thing about getting ready for a fancy event. In this case, he really had to dress to impress. At least he had Tony's suit.

The first step, at least what Peter thought it would be, was to take a shower.

I must really care about this dinner 'cause I never shower to go out.

After he was finished, he decided to put on his suit. It was a sleek, blue, silk suit. He put on a white shirt underneath it and that's when it hit him.

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