ii. partnering up

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The first couple of classes were quite easy for Caroline

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The first couple of classes were quite easy for Caroline. Now came art, one of the classes that she was most excited for. She was ready to showcase her talent.

When she entered the classroom, she happily sat down in front of a canvas. Just as the teacher was about to begin, the same boy that Caroline had met earlier busted through the door.

"Sorry I'm late, Mrs. T!" he said as he took the only chair that was left in the classroom. Coincidentally, it was the one next to Caroline.

"Nice to see you again," Caroline greeted. The chestnut-haired boy had been looking for something in his backpack and when Caroline spoke to him, he rose up and hit himself in the head with the canvas.

"Ow!" the boy exclaimed rubbing his head. Caroline had to hold in her laughter, it was a bad habit of hers to laugh when people got hurt.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?" she exclaimed, barely containing her laughter while trying to sound concerned.

"I'm-I'm okay. I'm Peter by the way. Peter Parker," Peter winced, finally sitting correctly in his chair. "What a great way to introduce myself."

"Caroline Westbrook," she stated, stretching out her hand. Peter slowly took her hand and shook it. Caroline accidentally touched his wrist and felt his pulse. It was racing. The boy looked up and locked his eyes with Caroline's, observing her bright blue eyes. Peter instantly got nervous and let go of her hand.

"Like the song," Peter said with a soft smile.

"I'm sorry?" Caroline muttered, after that short handshake she had lost track of their conversation.

"Your name, it's like the song 'Sweet Caroline' from 1969," Parker said softly.

"Oh, yeah. You're actually right. On my parents' first date, that song was playing on the radio and they decided to name me after it. It's actually quite embarrassing," Caroline said nervously braiding her hair. She always did that when she was nervous.

"I don't think it's embarrassing at all,"the boy said smiling.

For art class, the students needed to draw and paint a fruit bowl like the one that was in front of them. Peter was so hungry that all he could concentrate on was trying to control himself from eating the fruits. Also, he was pretty bad at drawing all in all.

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