xv. green with envy

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A couple of weeks had passed since Caroline and Peter had officially become a couple

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A couple of weeks had passed since Caroline and Peter had officially become a couple. The only people who had been told were Caroline's parents, May, Ned, and Betty. They had all taken it very well, except that May had been a little hurt by the fact that she hadn't actually met Caroline.

Ned and Betty had been over the moon. They both freaked out when they heard about the news. Betty had especially freaked out, since she hadn't known about their first kiss. She was happy, nevertheless.

"You two make a cute couple," she had assured Caroline after having been told the news.

This news had made the group of friends even closer, which Betty had been integrated into. Peter and Caroline could've sworn that something between Ned and Betty had been forming, but both would deny it when asked.

Some students around the school had noticed, due to their ocasional closeness and handholding. Michelle would occasionally smirk at them when she passed by them in the hallways of Midtown.

Flash Thompson had definitely noticed, he would give them threatening glares and would taunt Peter when Caroline wasn't around. He seemed to be somewhat afraid of her.

The only significant person in both of their lives that hadn't been told was Tony Stark. Neither of them wanted to tell him.

"The truth will reach him when it wants to," Caroline would tell Peter, in an attempt to calm him down.

Peter didn't like at all the fact that he was hiding such a big secret from Mr. Stark. His palms would become sweaty and his voice would fail him every time he was around him.

The relationship between Caroline and Peter wasn't perfect, of course. What with their school work and Peter's spider-duties, it was difficult. They would try to text each other everyday, checking up on one another. Nevertheless, they both understood and acknowledged each other's hectic life.

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