Used... Chapter 1-running away

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It was time I ran away. I had no other choice. He wasn't going to control me anymore. I packed what I thought I would need and put it all in my knapsack. I looked at him one final time as he slept, turned around and walked out. I knew if I looked back now I would regret leaving.

As I Walked through the forest, I pulled out my ipod and stuck my skull candies in my ears and cranked it up as loud as it could go singing to River by Eminem and Ed Sheeran. I wouldn't let him get to me ever again. No one would use me again like he did. Memories of how we met ran through my head.


It was a welcoming home party after graduating from college. My mother and father invited everyone from our town to welcome me home. Alot of them were some of their old friends and all of my friends from my graduating class. They invited a close family friend if theirs named Andrew. I'd never seen him before but my parents introduced us. He was like the rest of us, vampires. Except my mother She was the only one different from the rest of us. She was human, knowing there was something special about her.

But we all loved her the same as if she was one of us and after she brought me into the world, everyone adored her even more.

At first he was so kind, he was sweet and treated me kindly. We spent months hanging out after my party.

After a few months of being together my birthday came up and he decided he wanted to do something really special for me. He took me out to dinner then decided he wanted to go bowling. We just finished a game and I was winning by two strikes and yelped in victory after I just knocked down a third strike. He smiled and turned me around starring into my eyes leaning in to kiss me. He told me he had wanted to do that for the longest time. After that night, we were happy. Everything between us had gone amazing.

We decided we wanted to hang with a huge group of friends to finally come out and say we were finally dating after all this time. So we all decided to go to the bowling alley.

I just got a strike and we were sitting there flirting while I waited for my turn, but he was looking away from me. He hadn't really said much since we really started bowling but I really didn't think anything of it.

When we finished our game we headed out, piling into the cars we carpooled in and drove home. As soon as i got home that night I called my friend Alana and told her everything. I could tell by the sound of her voice that I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Maybe he was just thinking about some things and he would tell me later.

Before hanging up the phone she told me she would call him and tell him that he needed to make sure what he wanted was what he wanted. That way I didn't end up hurt in the end.

A little later that night he tried to text me and tell me he was sorry and that he felt terrible about how he acted at the bowling alley But i wanted nothing to do with him. I decided I would give it time and things would be better the next day.

*Present Day*

After coming out of my daydream, I realized that my favorite place was sitting in front of me. It was a huge mansion that was abandoned many years ago. According to town legends there were ghosts that loved to haunt the rooms and the hallways of this house causing anyone who lived here to run out scared and move far away.

But I knew it was all just fake. There were no such things as ghosts. It was Impossible. Everyone believes that when you died you go to heaven or hell. Well I didn't, I believe that at some point your reincarnated, but those are just my beliefs.

When in reality, your soul just wondered the realm between our world and theirs until it was reincarnated. As I Examined the outside of the house, taking in that it was completely trashed but on the inside I knew that it actually looked decent.

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