Chapter 4-A Vampire?!

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*Sanaya's P.O.V.*

I sat there on the floor next to her, starring at her pale features. I couldn't believe what he just told me. A vampire!?!?! are you kidding me?

Who let him out of the nut house. I certainly wasn't going to become a whack job like this guy.

But then again, fangs did come out of her mouth, and saw her drink blood yuck!!! If I really thought about it. She never lost her temper. I could tell back in the restaurant that it took her everything she had not to strangle and kill my moms boyfriend. I'm truly thankful to have her in my life. But a vampire? Seriously? You've got to be kidding me...

Coming out of my mind babble I looked up at the guy that was leaning on the arm of the couch who looked as if he hadn't moved a muscle not even to breathe.

"Can I ask you who you are exactly?"

His eyes flickered to mine. He looked like he was deep in thought, my guess was to figure out if he should tell me or not. Then he spoke.

"I'm her brother, Vincent. My father sent me to look after her after we found out she left town. You see, Alura has been out of town and contact with me and her father for quite some time. I don't know if she's told you or not, but her mother and father are human and vampire. But we always made sure to make our mother feel as loved as possible even though she was human. Well we recently found out that our mother just committed suicide. My mother was in a mental institution as I'm sure she told you. My father James went to go visit her and they got into it. It's always the same fight. How he doesn't love her anymore because she's started to age. You see, when a human and vampire are mated she is able to absorb his energy in a way and become immortal. But after so long it eventually starts to ware off, and a human resumes aging. She was released for a short time period, but my father wasn't able to hang constantly having to watch her to make sure she didn't harm herself, so she was sent back to the institution because of that, she's tired of fighting with our father about aging but she's also slowly looking her mind, the immortality taking tole. on her. Unfortunately she managed to find something sharp and slit her own throat. When they came to check on her to tell her she had a visitor, another friend of moms that comes to see her from time to time, they found her covered in her own blood. I came here to find her to tell her the news. But then I saw you walking up with her in your arms. "

I looked at him with question, But had this weird feeling in my gut that I could trust him. It was hard listening to him about her mother. It was never easy losing parents, especially to mentality problems. She sighed and met his gaze.

"So she really is a vampire?"

He nodded hearing groans and quickly looked at alura as her body shifted looking as if she was waking up.

She starting tossing around on the couch almost in discomfort. I saw her grip the blanket we laid on her to keep her warm worried her temperature would drop from what happened. She was breathing heavy, starting to sweat. While whimpering in her sleep. Abruptly, she sat up, eyes open but they showed no emotion.

Almost as if they were empty. Like a robot being controlled. Her brother looked at her in surprise and went to lay her back down.

"No wait, don't touch her."

She threw the blanket off of her and stood before walking to the front door and opened it. Both her brother and I followed behind her quietly trying to figure out where she was going. It was strange to see her moving, almost as if she were sleep walking. I didn't even knew that was a thing. I continued to watch her, staying on the defense Incase anything happened again.

She walked out in the front yard and out of thin air a guy with dark brown hair and black eyes appeared. He had his arms open to her as she walked towards him. Vincents eyes widen and he lunged for her trying to grab her arm, to pull her back before he had a chance to take her.

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