Chapter 3-fate

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I was running, it was nothing but darkness. Voices all around me, faces of past loved ones he had killed. I couldn't stop running not now, not ever. All of a sudden, there he was with an evil grin on his face.

"Come to me. You know you can not out run me, you were meant to be at my side. Forever remember?"

Shaking my head placing it between the palms and crouched into a ball screaming.



"Alura! Alura! Wake up! It was only a dream! Wake up!"

I felt someone shaking me. I shot up in a sitting position, my face drenched in sweat and my heart beating out of control. I looked around to see I was in the living, on the couch. Sanaya was on the floor starring at me with wide eyes, filled with worry.

"I'm sorry.. i didn't mean to wake you."

I got up throwing my covers to the floor and hid my face behind a Vail of my long black hair.

"What were you dreaming about?"

I continue to look away from her, picking up my things, folding them and putting them back into the closet.

"It was nothing, go back to bed."

My voice came out harsher then I intended it to, but she got up and went back down to the basement without another word closing the basement door behind her.

I clenched and unclenched my fists and decided to go sit outside and watch the sunrise. Watching it reminded me of the days that I spent with my mother watching the sunrise with her. Before he came into the picture and ruined my relationship with my mother.

It got to the point in our relationship where he stopped me from seeing my parents which is what caused them both to fight because my mom didn't have her baby close by anymore... and my mother started to withdraw herself from my father and her life and role as a wife. Eventually my mother resorted to the things she did and my father put her in a hospital to be watched because he couldn't handle the stress of it anymore....

How i missed it so. Brushing away my thoughts I went back into the house, and began to make breakfast as sanaya walked in. She kept her head down and avoided my gaze.

"Sanaya i'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean to snap at you."

She looked up at me and looked away, sadness in her eyes.

"It's alright, I shouldn't have asked, it wasn't my business"

"But I want it to be your business"

No I didn't...

Her head snapped up at me, her eyes filled with tears ready to overflow. She got up quickly and wrapped her arms around me in a warm embrace.

"I was so scared for you, to see you screaming in pain, sweating,and pale, it worried me because I couldn't do anything. I dont know what your past was like, and I can imagine it still haunts you to this day. But please, don't shun me away like some stranger, I know we only just met, but I feel like i've seen you before, and I knew you from somewhere. Like we're connected in some way.."

She began to shake and sob. I patted her back soothingly until she calmed down. Knowing we slept the day away I decided I would take her out for a little fun.

"How about you and I go out to eat tonight? My treat and I'll even take you to one of my favorite restaurants"

Her eyes shot up to mine, filled with joy and happiness and she nodded quickly.

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