Chapter 15-the plan

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*Sanaya's P.O.V*
I was so happy that I remembered my darling angel as I ran back to the mansion slamming the door open. "I remember! I remember everything!"

Vincent came running into the entrance hall with eyes wide as if something came barreling through the door. "You what?! You remember everything."

I nodded quickly with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. I was so worried about her.
But I knew we needed to act fast to save her not knowing

Alura was in his grasp and I'm sure being tortured.

I had to come up with a plan. And fast.

I went to my room, and decided to pack my bag filled with the simplest things to kill a vampire. Garlic. Holy water. A stake if needed. And the one thing my mother always told me to carry with me. Salt. In a witches book, it was deadly, and was taught to keep the evil out and to protect us witches.

"I'm coming. Don't worry."

I quickly finished packing my belongings and used our bond to find her.

Upon trying to use our bond it was going to be harder then I thought because I couldn't feel her.

It was like someone has a block on her mind and feelings. Like our bond never really existed. But I knew where he once lived. I can imagine it's probably abandoned. Or he was just too stupid not to leave and find a new hiding place.

Well I was about to find out. But I knew in my heart things could either go really well, or really bad, I just hoped it wasn't to late to save this girl that I knew deep down I really loved.

Vincent followed behind me still dumbstruck. "So what are you planning to do? You can't just go after him! That's the dumbest idea in existence! Your asking to get yourself killed. I know you love my sister. But still. That's just insanity." He all but flailed his arms around as if to stop me.

"Well have you got a better idea!?" I stood there and stared at him with my hand on my hip, with my eyebrow raised "no? Okay then"
I didn't wait for anything else and left without him. I would figure it out. With or without his help.

I worked quickly, trying to find the old house of where he was before. It didn't take long for me to sneak around the place trying to pick up the scent of Andrew or Alura.

*Andrew's P.O.V*

As I watched her, her breathing became rigid as her body tried to pump blood through out her body to keep her alive. I knew her body was fighting hard with it being crucial to her life.

But soon, all of that wouldn't matter. I knew my plan would soon be set in stone. And it would be to late.

I knew Sanaya was stupid enough to come here. I knew she was outside. Waiting to find her new found "love".

I scoffed to myself. Knowing what was going to happen. And I waited patiently. For Alura to wake up, and become mine like she always was. But this time for good.

I walked over to her side and sat at her bedside as I watched her chest rise and fall while she slept knowing the spell I had put on my blood, to give to her to heal her body before it ate her alive, work on her body.

I knew it could be deadly to some vampires. To have witches magic in our blood stream. It was what we called a Witches cocktail, but to her I know it only intensified in her body.

With her being from an older bloodline her body was almost invincible to kill. Except for the natural beheading, or even a stake to the heart. But the stake had to remain there. For if it didn't she would resurrect as if nothing had happened to begin with. The only bad part of vampires being staked, we're stakes were engraved with magic to keep a vampire under control, but if the stake were to be removed, she would lose her humanity, and resort to the old tales of our ways, smelling of death, red eyes, and no emotions or feelings. But they were rare to find anymore.

I knew it was because of the bond that she held with Sanaya that it would work so well. But I knew any trace of that bond would be replaced with hatred for her, that it would in replace, strengthen our bond and make her love me again, and in return help me end the girl that stole my love from me for good.

Her body twitched and moved. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked around and met my gaze.

"Hello my love, how do you feel?"

She sat up and looked me over. As if recognizing me for the first time in a long time, her eyes a beautiful emerald green. Just as they were before only they had silver flecks in them.

They had changed. The spell had worked. I had given her some of my blood that was laced with a spell I had a witch put on it to insure my plan would work. And it did. Her once beautiful features were now intensified.

Her hair was beautiful and luscious as if she was a newly changed vampire, waking up for the first time.

She smiled her perfect white shining smile and pulled me into her arms and kissed me, like when we first got together, memories ran through my head from when we first started dating. And it made my heart flutter, skipping a beat. It was like nothing had happened between us and she was the girl I had fallen in love with all over again.

Like when we had first met at her college graduation party. It was as if we were meeting for the first time again.

I wrapped my arms around her cherishing her for the first time in a very long while and held her close to me, feeling her warmth in my arms, kissing her, smelling her scent I knew I loved so much, instantly feeling guilty that I had done so many horrible and rotten things to her.

But instantly in my mind I knew I couldn't and wouldn't let Sanaya take her away from me.

I knew in my heart I needed to keep her safe and away from everyone. By my side where she belonged. She was meant to be my mate, whether I had forced her to be or not. She was mine.

She pulled away a smile on her face as she caressed my cheek with her soft hand.

I leaned into it happy to see her smiling face.

Her eyes gleamed and she smiled, as if she every reason in the world to be happy again.

She was my shining golden girl.

"What's the matter my love, why do you look so sad, stricken almost? Did I do something to upset you, to offend you?"

I looked to her, her voice ringing like chiming bells.

"No honey of course not, I'm just happy to see you better then ever, alive, and well. It brings my heart joy to see you smiling. I've missed it so.."

I looked at her. And really looked at her. And smiled as my heart sang to see the girl I knew I loved.

"Because my love. Soon, very soon, we will have our happy ending. "

OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Cliff hanger!!!!!!!! Alright, so I know it's been and extremely long time since I've updated but I really wanna get this story flowing again, so if anyone has any ideas, or comments. Lemme know!!!! Message me or comment!!! Loves us!!!!! <(^_^)>>>>

Ps. I've decided to join used and betrayed together since I noticed a lot of people thought used wasn't being updated when it was. Betrayed was the second book but I decided just to make it one. Lemme know in the comments what you guys think so far now tht you can read it all in one go.

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