Chapter 7- so it begins

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*Alura's P.O.V*

As I sat there watching her writh in pain for weeks now, slowly watching her change, it dawned on me on how much her body was fighting itself. Usually the magic in a witches blood couldnt withstand the blood of a vampire and the body itself tried to fight it off slowly detroying itself. But as I watched her, her skin became flawless and turned a light ivory color.

A lighter version of my own. It had been at least three weeks now. I hadn't moved. Left this room. Or even talked to my father or brother since my return with sanaya's unconsious body in my arms.

They tried to talk to me and help me in any way they could. But I wouldnt have it. I wanted to take care of her on my own. It was my job to protect her, why they didn't understand that was beyond me. But they also didn't understand bond between us. It was special. Unlike anything like it.

Since she told me she loved me I felt very protective of her. I wouldnt let any harm come to her. I loved her and she loved me. She'd given me her blood and even some of her magic to save my life. Even now I could feel her magic coursing through my veins though My body may not like it very much, but its slowly adjusting.

As I sat here I could feel my body had changed. My hair was fuller and longer, my body was stronger, my bones feeling as if they were made of strong metal, my skin flawless as if nothing could damage or ruin it. And I could tell my eyes even changed, going from hazel to very very dark green, an almost unnatural color.

It was amazing seeing what her blood did to mine and my body is just a short time. I'd never felt like this until now.

As if on cue, sanayas body shuddered a little and her eyes slowly opened. I stayed quiet as I silently watched her. She sat up slowly to observe the room around her slowly. She looked around as her eyes darted quickly around the room as if she didnt know where she was. Her senses were heightened, adjusting to everything. It all being more intense than before.

Then slowly her eyes came to a rest on me. She starred at me for a moment before her head cocked to the side in wonder.

She inhaled slowly, taking in my scent, knowing for a fact her body was starving for what a vampire lusted for most. Blood. She tried to speak, her voice coming out cracked. "I'm hungry" her voice was barely a whisper. I watched her eyes changed from they're deep sapphire blue to the redness that came with every newborns hunger. From what I could tell, it was taking everything in her to try and stay calm.

Her eyes were a dark red color. The color of blood and hatred and commanding of the lustful demon inside her fighting to take full control so that whatever remained of her humanity completely lost itself.

"I know you are sweetie, I promise I'll make it go away. You just have to promise me that you'll try and stay calm okay?"

She nodded quickly, wrapping one hand around her throat, rubbing it almost as if to make the burning go away. I got up to sit behind her biting into my wrist, to offer to her. It took everything in her to keep calm as she latched on, feeling the need to feed. I heard a moan come from her, matching my own, as pleasure spread from the bite. It was the first time ever experiencing a newly changed vampire. Done by herself. Usually someone else did it for them but she didn't mind. She let her feed for a little while, before pulling my arm away. I could feel her resisting letting go but she let go.

After a few minutes I could tell her hunger subsided and the demon within her went back to sleep. All that remained was the blue eyed blonde haired beauty that sat in front of me as her fangs and claws retracted. She looked around before she realized where she was as if she remember that this was her room for the longest time. She then turned to me and looked me over once or twice as if thinking about what shes going to say before asking the question that I feared the most.

"Who are you?"

My eyes widened in both shock and fear mixed with sadness. Knowing that this be one of the three outcomes of her becoming a vampire.

The first outcome would be her losing her memories, and not remembering anything before she met me.

Two, she would remember me,and she would be my mate forever and love me like she had told me.

Or three, her personality would completely change and she would hate me forever. Forever holding the anger of her turning against me and ruining her life.

But this, this is what I feared the most. Because in most cases their memory never returned and they ended up leaving there mates to suffer for the rest of their lives without a care in the world. And for now, I was scared for my life.

Because I knew, that if I couldnt help her remember who I was, and she forgot all about me, somehow this would end up very, very badly. Before I could answer her simple question she yawned rubbing her eyes like a little kid. It killed me inside, knowing she couldnt remember anything and curled up against me as she fell asleep. I caressed her, running my hand through her long blonde hair for a little while. Soothing her while she slept.

After a few minutes I lifted her in my arms and layed her back on her bed. As I watched her curl in on herself to Get more comfortable. Fear and sadness ran through me.

I didnt know what to do. And for all I knew, i've never been so scared in my life. I watched her for a few moments before deciding to go upstairs. I hadnt fed for what seemed like ages. My brother and father tried to help me but nothing compared to hers. All I needed was hers... And I knew never again would I get to enjoy its sweet flavor.

Thinking about it made my stomach clench and my throat burn as if it was on fire as if I was a new vampire again.

When finding ones mates, that person was truely meant for you. Your body ached and yearned for that person.  You yearned for their touch. Their smell. The taste of there blood. Usually new found mates spent two weeks together because your emotions were running wild almost all the time..

But I didn't get that luxury because she didn't remember me...

Opening the door to the house from the basement to see the house for the first time in a little over three weeks was a little shocking.

Things were clean, and rearranged to how I would have liked them. Most of the rooms were finished and completely finished. I would have to thank them later for helping me out.


I turned to my left as my brother came in from the living room, his eyes filled with both worry and shock knowing I had been down there for so long.

Before I even managed to speak my brother quickly engulfed me in his arms, and hugged me tightly surrounding me in his scent. It felt like home and comfort and instantly my legs gave out. I couldnt hold my self up anymore.

Tears left my eyes quickly, both scared and relieved as everything unfolded itself. Sobs wracked my body as my brother patted my head to comfort me letting me cry for what seemed like eons.

After I finished sobbing My body became heavy as I feinted in my brothers arm seeing nothing but darkness. I then knew it was only the beginning of the end for me.

A slow a painful process that I had to deal with alone...

Ohhhh!!!!! Cliffhanger!!!!!!!
Keep reading my favorite little followers!!!!!!

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