Chapter 14-is this really happening?!?!

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*Alura's P.O.V*

I woke up to a dimly lit room. I looked around, noticing that it wasn't my room. Or any other room that I recognized.

I sat up quickly but quickly recoiled, curling in on myself in pain feeling something warm drip down my stomach. I lifted my shirt seeing blood stained bandages.

The thoughts came flooding back, sanaya going for a low blow on andrew but instead he used me as a shield.

Thats all I was to anyone. A shield. A simple doll meant to be used and thrown around until I wasn't needed anymore.

Quickly shedding the covers and throwing them aside, I got up quickly ignoring the sharp pains in my stomach and made a run for it out of the room I was held captive in. I looked all around, but still had no idea where I was. It was like a labrynth.

This house was different. It wasnt the same as I remembered it to be.

Where the hell was the front door! Ugh! Frustration was at its surface as I continued to search for the god forsaken door.

"Where are you going my love?"

That voice sent shivers down my spine.... Making me stop and almost flinch hearing his voice again. 

No. I wouldnt let it get to me... I loved sanaya.

I gulped and let the adreniline take over, making my way down the stairs taking three at a time running as fast as I could to find the front door.

I searched everywhere hearing laughter in all directions.

Big grand wooden doors stood a few feet away knowing I needed to hurry if I were to make it away safe.

Running faster then I ever had before I reached for the doorknobs to pull them open, to my freedom, when I was pulled back by my hair and thrown into the stairs. My back screamed in pain as andrew stood before me and laughed.

"Did you honestly believe I would let you escape so easy? Or take you somewhere you knew every secret to? Wrong my love. Oh so very wrong."

He walked closer bending down in front of me, snatching me up by my hair pulling my head back to expose my throat pulling as hard as he could, opening the wounds in my stomach even further as I whimpered in pain.

"You will pay dearly for running away from me. You are mine. I have physical and mental claim on you. Do you forget the bond we have?! Well do you?"

He slapped me, feeling the burn on my face from his hand. I knew there would be a mark there.

" do you forget that I will find you and make you suffer no matter where you are!!!! You are mine. And if I have to treat you like a slave to get you to behave' then so be it!"

His eyes flashed red, fangs bared as darkness took over his voice.

I feared for what came next. I knew deep down if he really felt the need, he could make it hurt ten times worse then any pain i'd ever felt in my entire life on top of the pain I was already in.

He smiled knowing I knew the pain to come.

Pulling my hair he dragged me up the stairs yelping as he did so.

I struggled to get free, thrashing my arms and legs around, as if a two year old we're having a tantrum, only getting angrier by the second. I extended my claws ready to slice through my hair for him to let go when I heard him Opening the door to his room.

He tossed me into his bedroom me in hitting the floor with a heavy thud like a sack of potatos.

I gripped the back of my head in pain as I heard his foot steps towards me. Only this time he had ropes in his hands, an evil grin on his face.

"For those who are bad, they must be severely punished."

He had pullies that were connected to his ceiling. He took the ropes and hooked them up, tying my hands up in the process leaving me suspended in midair. Taking a knife off of his end table he sliced open the back of my shirt, leaving the cold air on my bare skin.

Fear ran through my body. Anxiety and shivers ran through my body only fearing what was to come.

He pulled a whip out of the trunk that sat in front of his bed. Only it wasnt any normal whip, the end had little leather cords. Several of them, all having sharp broken class at the end of them.

My eyes widened, knowing that if I didn't brace myself I would be in the worse pain I had ever endured.

I heard him take a few steps back readying myself for the pain to come.

The next thing I heard was him swinging the whip around, as he snapped it, the leather and broken glass coming down on the flesh of my back, the glass cutting into my skin causing blood to drip down my back.

I screamed so loud I could hear the echo.

"Thats right bitch! Scream! Maybe if you beg for forgiveness I might go easy on you!"

"Never...." My voice coming out shakey and quiet.

He laughed, as he continued to bring the whip down on my back screaming each time he did so.

"I will teach you a lesson!"


"Your mine!"


"Those who disobey shall be punished!"


"You will never run away from me again you ignorant selfish bitch!"

Snap! Snap! Snap!

After so long, my back began to feel numb, tears falling rapidly. The pain was unbearable knowing my back was now in shreds blood flowing down my back soaking the pants I wore.

Eventually, the whip stopped but I could still feel the constant stinging of the whip, andrew coming into view to stand in front of my lifting my chin wincing in pain.

"Next time, I wont be so kind. Never again will you run away. You are mine. Do you understand?"

I nodded trying to avoid his gaze.


He slapped me accross the face, my cheek instantly swelling tasting blood in my mouth.

"Yes sir... I understand."

I could hear my heart throbbing in my head, my head already spinning from the blow. He smiled using his claws to slash the ropes, my body giving way to the pain as I fell slipping into a black abyss for I even hit the ground.

I knew I wasnt going to survive... Why continue to fight?

I had no purpose. Andrew would kill me before I would ever see Sanaya again.. So what was the use in fighting for a light I would never see again..

Sanaya... I love you..

What a douche canoe right? Keep reading ;) it'll get better. Whatcha think so far!? Comment and vote!

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