Chapter 12-pain

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*Alura's P.O.V*

I ran as fast I could. Anything to get away from her. I couldnt believe she would hurt me like that. But then again.... She didnt even remember who I was.

I stopped for a brief moment to catch my breathe leaning on a tree, as tears fell again. I was so tired of crying and emotions. I never felt this way. But running was the best way to get rid of that. So I stood and took off again running to clear my mind.

As I ran, my legs and my lungs burned, aching and screaming at me to stop, to take a break. But I wouldnt. All of sudden, WHAM!

I slammed into someone and fell to the ground.

"Im sor-"

I looked up, ready to apologize to the person I ran into when I saw red eyes starring at me.

I gasped, feeling like my throat had swollen, making it hard to breathe when I saw it was him... But he was supposed to be dead. Wasnt he?!?

"Hello my little angel. Missed me I see?"

He began to walk towards me. I scooted back on my hands to get away from him, my body shaking in fear as my heartbeat hummed in my ears.

He smile only got wider, knowing he could smell my fear as it encouraged him to walk faster towards me.


I quickly got up and ran away as fast as I could tripping over branches as they sliced into my legs. I could hear his minacle laughter behind me ringing through out the forest.

I came to a cliff and had to skid across the grass to stop my self from falling over the cliff. I turned around in search of a way to escape, when andrew came lunging out of the trees slamming into me, sending me flying off the cliff. His wings grew allowing him to hover in the air as I fell screaming, reaching for him.

I was falling fast as I saw the ground gettig closer and closer. I started to panic and before I knew it I hit the ground back flat causing the ground around me to shake laying 10 feet deep in the ground knocking me unconsious.

*Andrew's P.O.V*

I watched her, as she hit the ground knocking her unconsious.

I landed next to the hole she lay in, and smiled watching her. There wouldnt be pity this time.

Oh no.... Not after what happened last time. I lifted her out of the hole and threw up up against the wall of the cliff watching as she gasped, awake now and alert. She landed with a hard thud, having difficulties breathing as her body struggled for air.

She struggled to sit up, knowing that her spine was fractured but she was still able to move knowing her body was already healing at an extremely fast rate.

I walked towards her, and lifted her up by her throat squeezing tightly as I glared at her.

"You will pay for what you did to me!"

I plunged my fist into her stomach right below her heart, penetrating through her back as she gasped, blood dripping down the side of her mouth.

Her fresh blood permiated the air, as it covered my arm.

"Doesnt feel so good does it!? Do you understand the torture you put me through!? How easy it would be to kill you if I felt the need to!?"

She struggled to breathe, blood filling her lungs as it dripped down the front and back of her, soaking her clothes.

Her body went limp against mine, as she fought to stay consious.

"You... H-h-h-urt..."

She gasped for air.

"M-m-y-y-y-y......fam-i-ly... I had.. To..."

"Yo-u-u-u too...k my mother and...fa-a-ather away from me."

She gasped again for air twitching as it did so as I shoved her away from me, watching her fall and hit the ground cracking her head on the ground.

As I watched her for a few moments I watched as her chest rose and fell weakly knowing her body was still losing blood.

I kneeled beside her and whispered quietly knowing she would hear me. I grabbed her arm, twisting in in an odd direction dislocating her shoulder hearing scream in pain.

I laughed, watching her struggle to breathe. Her body was going into shock. And I was only making it worse. I smiled running a hand up her leg, as she tried to inch away from me using pressure to grab her leg, holding her In place, before using enough pressure to snap the bone in her leg, watching it swell instantly, her screams echoing once more. It made me happy to hear her in pain.

"This is only the beginning my beautiful princess."

I snapped ny fingers teleporting back to house, knowing her brother would find her soon enough.

My plan was coming together quite nicely. I only needed a little more time before Alura  completely forgot about her and fell for me, I'd make her my queen knowing it would kill Sanaya inside.

I just needed to push all of the right buttons.

I laughed to myself, hearing it echo off the walls of the canyon and disappeared leaving black smoke in my place.

*Alura's P.O.V*

I landed with a hard thud at my brothers feet, and gasped, as pain ripped across my chest and abdomen feeling blood seeping onto the floor.

Vincent screamed before realizing it was me and his eyes widened.

"ALURA!!!?!??!?!?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!?!?"

I was in so much pain... It was hard to speak.


My brother picked me up in his arms as I screamed, gripping his shirt tight enough I almost ripped it.

Sanaya came running in, seeing me in vincents arms her eyes wide, and in shock.

"What happened to her?"

Vincent looked at her and glared at her as if she had something to do with it.

I cried out again in pain, my brothers gazing snapping back to mine. He rushed me into the kitchen laying me on the table ripping my shirt off.

Sanaya came running into the kitchen behind vincent.

"What can I do?"

Vicent rushed around the kitchen.

"Go down to the basement. Get bags of blood. Quickly. Go!"

She rushed out of the room and headed down to the basement.

"Vincent....... Please......... Dont.....dont let her help........!"

I gasped for air as i struggled to talk.

He looked at me with both worry and concern and nodded as sanaya came back into the room. He took the blood from her and shooed her out of the room closing the sliding kitchen doors locking her out.

Vincent tried to work quickly giving me blood at quickly as he could. He did what he could to reset the bone in my leg, along with popping my shoulder back into place. Black blotches played with my vision as I struggled to stay conscious. I might have been immortal, but we felt pain just like everyone else did. The only ways we could truly die were from starvation, beheading, or a stake to the heart.

The hole in my chest would only heal so much. With the blood pumping through my system to replace what I lost, my body healed slowly.

He came over to me and got to work on my wounds. It became to much pain, and blacked out. The last thing I saw was andrews evil smile. I knew then something terribly wrong, was going to happen.


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