Chapter 6-Bad choices

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The first few days weren't that bad. I managed to obey orders and did what was asked of me. At the moment, I was out in the garden managing the roses. They were my favorite flower so I took my time taking care of them. It brought me to my happy place because it reminded me of the special times that I spent with my mother growing up as a child. Until I abandoned her.... I felt a single tear fall but I quickly wiped it away as the memories faded and I got back to work. I took my time tending to the roses, they took time to grow beautifully. From the looks of it they were growing blue and black roses. They made me happy as I trimmed the weeds, watered them, and even trimmed the thorns properly.

"Always so beautiful."

Someone Spoke behind me. I turned around to see Andrew walking away from the house, coming towards me with a smirk on his face. I wondered why he wasn't with his girlfriend. They were usually conjoined at the hip. Maybe she was getting her claws ripped out. I tried not to smirk at the sight of her pain. Though it would have been pretty funny to see her bleeding out.

"Shouldn't you be with your whore of a girlfriend?"

My eyes widened as I just realized I had spoken out loud but I didnt have time to take it back seeing anger flash in his eyes as he pinned me to the ground crushing the roses beneath me. After all the hard work I had just done to take care of them he had gone and ruined them already. Jerk. They were my favorite flowers and he went and destroyed them. Yes I cared about them that much, more then my own life if needed.

"Never speak to me that way again, learn your place. Keep your thoughts to your self! If I wanted your opinion, Id ask for it."

He leaned down whispering in my ear.

"You forget, your still mine, so I can still do with you as I please."

I could hear the smile in his voice as his fangs pierced my throat and he squeezed harder, making it hard to breathe. After only a few minutes he pulled away.

"Get up!"

He let go letting me up. I gasped coughing and stood up dizzy leaning again one of the near by trees. My body was slowly regaining what I had lost, since I had fed, but that was gone now. He swung his arm, slapping me across the face. I hit the tree hard and fell to the ground in a heap as I placed my hand over my cheek feeling the burning on my skin as it heated up. It had stung where he hit me and I knew it would bruise soon. I tried to stop the Tears that fell as i tasted blood in my mouth unable to stop either of them.

"I'll be sure to tell Natalie what you said about her. Im sure she will appreciate your little compliment greatly. I'll let her deal with you on her own."

He put his hands in his jean pockets and walked away. I sat there shaking, terrified.

"Goddess help me..."

*Sanaya's P.O.V*

It had been days and we still had no trace of her. It was time to get some help. I knew Vincent was asleep so it was the perfect time to put my little plan into action. I went into the basement and dug around in a box full of my personal things that I brought with me when running away. In the bottom of the box was my spell book, I kept it hidden from anyone I didn't want it to be seen by.

I was a witch. Both my sister and I were. Our mother had turned away from her herritage and turned into an alcoholic after my father left us after I turned 3. He wanted nothing to do with my mother because she had cheated. She tried to use her magic against him so he left.

Our line was frowned upon because of my mothers action. So I had to teach both my self and our sister the ways of our ancestors.

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