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Seungkwan wanted to be mad at Hansol  for ignoring him like that but he knew that he could never stay mad at him for longer than a day.
Yet he decided to give Hansol the 'silent treatment' and see how long it took the younger to give Seungkwan the attention he wanted.

Seungkwan had been moping the entire first period and Vernon had been ignoring him for exactly as long. It was annoying Seungkwan but he wasn't going to let the younger win that easily, even though the latter had no idea that he was even getting the silent treatment in the first place. Hansol was still too busy working on his song to even spare a second for Seungkwan and it was really starting to annoy the blonde haired diva. He wasn't used to being ignored and even if he was, he usually didn't care about the person enough to even give it a second thought.
But Hansol was... well... a little different.
He was special to Seungkwan and everyone knew it. The two boys didn't act like most guy-friends would but everyone was so used to it by now that they didn't pay much attention to it anymore.
There was something about the way the two looked at each other that was a little... off.
The way Vernon stared at Seungkwan was something that a lot of girls were jealous of to say the least. The adoration in Vernon's eyes was so precious to watch. He looked at Seungkwan as if he was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And in a way he was.
Hansol didn't have anyone like Seungkwan or even anyone who came close to being as important to him as Seungkwan was.
The two really loved each other beyond words. And nobody really knew if it was a brotherly love or a romantic kind of love but nobody ever came in between the two. No one wanted to break them apart because they were so precious to watch when they were together.

Second period was over and Seungkwan was now more upset than annoyed about the way Hansol treated him.
He just wanted to play around with the younger and laugh with him but Hansol was so absentminded. His thoughts were somewhere far away from Seungkwan and the blonde didn't like it one bit.
It had now come to the point where Seungkwan was actually mad at his best friend and seeing him only made it worse. He saw Hansol sitting on a bench by himself during the break with a notebook and a pencil in his hand. A frown had formed on the boy's face and he looked like he was about to throw his notebook in the trash when he almost broke his pencil on the paper.
After staring at the cracked point of his pencil for a while, he slammed his notebook shut and sighed deeply. He had his eyes closed for a while and when he opened them again the first thing he did was look around the play ground in search of his favorite mop of blonde hair.
Their eyes met for a second but Seungkwan quickly turned his head away in frustration. Even though all he had wanted all day was for Vernon to pay him attention, he didn't want to return it now. In Seungkwan's eyes it was as if the other only came to him when it suited him and not when Seungkwan wanted to spend time with him.

When Seungkwan turned around, one of his friends caught his expression right away. Seungcheol was always the first to notice when something was wrong with Seungkwan, especially when it had something to do with Hansol.
"Just go talk to him please, Seungkwan-ah. Hansol's having a hard time with his assignment, don't take it too personally. He needs your support right now."
Seuncheol patted the younger's back as said boy wiped a tear from his cheek.
Seungkwan might seem like a diva to most people but his friends knew that he was actually really vulnerable and sensitive. He never liked opening up to people and being so close to Vernon also meant that it was easier to get hurt by him. So whenever Hansol acted distant towards the older, it made him a little more scared to get hurt.

While Seungcheol was comforting Seungkwan, neither of them had even noticed that Hansol had walked up to them.
He shyly tapped the blonde boy's shoulder and said boy sniffed one more time before turning around to face Hansol, who looked at him with guilt in his eyes. He knew that Seungkwan was crying because of him. It really was the only reason Seungkwan ever cried.
"What do you want Hansol?" Seungkwan snapped and it would've come off harshly if it wasn't for the little crack in his voice. Hansol brought his hand up to Seungkwan's face and wiped a tear from his cheek.
"Don't cry Seungkwanie... Not because of me." Seungkwan turned his face away from Hansol's hand and looked down at the floor without saying anything.
Hansol slowly balled his hand into a fist and let his arm fall down next to his body again.
"I'm sorry Kwannie, don't be sad..." Hansol pulled the shorter into a tight hug, not giving him the chance to do anything about it. Seungkwan tried pushing him off at first but knew it was no use. In his current state, he didn't have the strength to get out of Hansol's grip and after a while he just gave up and let the other hug him. Even though he would never admit it, it felt nice in Hansol's arms, finally getting the attention he wanted. He rested his head on Hansol's shoulder while his fists were clutching on to the fabric of his shirt, resting on his chest. Hansol could feel the tears staining his shirt but he didn't mind it, he knew Seungkwan needed to vent.
It wasn't just because Hansol had been ignoring him that Seungkwan was crying. The blonde boy had been putting a lot of pressure on himself. He wanted to debut as an idol and he had been training really hard every day, plus he had put himself on such a strict diet that he felt weak all the time.

Hansol knew Seungkwan was having a hard time and he felt really guilty for upsetting him like this. He let go of the quietly sobbing boy and cupped his cheeks to make him look at him.

"Kwannie I'm really sorry for being so mean to you today, I was too busy worrying about myself that I kinda forgot about the most important thing to me... you." Desperate times call for desperate measures, which was exactly what Hansol was using on Seungkwan right now. He knew that making the blonde feel important and letting him know how much Hansol cared about him was all it took to get him to stop being mad.
A suppressed smile crept onto Seungkwan's lips as he childishly hit Hansol's chest with his fist.
"Liar..." Seungkwan couldn't help but smile. Hansol really knew him too well, it worked like a charm every time. Seeing Seungkwan smile always made Hansol so happy and knowing that he was the reason for that smile made it a thousand times better.

Seungkwan pushed Hansol away from him a little but the other just came right back and hugged the blonde again.
"Yah! What are you doing, people are staring..." Seungkwan tried getting out of Hansol's hug again but once again he failed.
"I'm making up for some precious, lost cuddle time!" Hansol yelled as he pulled Seungkwan in a little tighter.

"Let them stare if they want, they're all just jealous that I get to hug the beautiful Boo Seungkwan and they don't!" He continued and Seungkwan couldn't help but laugh at his crazy best friend.
At this moment, Seungkwan was reminded how precious Hansol was to him and he hugged the taller boy as tightly as he could. When Hansol felt how tense Seungkwan was, he softly ran his hand through the blonde strands of hair.
"Please don't ever go anywhere Vernonie..." Seungkwan softly said as he clasped the fabric of Hansol's shirt again.
"Hey hey, Kwannie what's wrong? Of course I'm not going anywhere... I'm gonna stay right here and annoy you for a very long time." Hansol smiled into that last sentence. When Seungkwan was sensitive, that's when he was most precious to Hansol. Because he knew that behind all that confidence and attitude, there was an insecure boy, trying to hold on to Hansol all the time.
"I'm scared you're gonna get sick of me..." Seungkwan answered, just loud enough to hear.

Before Seungkwan could start sobbing again, Hansol released him from his hug.
"Don't ever think I'm going to get sick of you, Seungkwan. You are the most important person I know and I wouldn't trade you for all the gold in the world. You know how much you mean to me." Hansol looked at the blonde with so much fondness in his eyes that Seungkwan had to believe him so he just quietly nodded.
"Hey, let's just skip the rest of today, I can't focus anyway and I'd much rather spend time with you." Hansol suggested and Seungkwan eagerly agreed to his suggestion. He was too much of a mess to go to class anyway.

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