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Hansol looked down at Seungkwan who was still sitting on the ground, he didn't know what to do or what to say but the boy sitting on his living room floor looked so angelic like that.
When Hansol didn't respond, Seungkwan turned to look at the floor.
"Forget what I said..." He suddenly felt really dumb for the answer he gave, for all he knew Hansol could've been kidding and he was embarrassed to death right now.

But Hansol wasn't kidding. He really wanted to kiss Seungkwan but he never expected Seungkwan to be so straight forward about it.
He thought about if for a while but he didn't want to give Seungkwan the wrong idea by just not reacting to what he just said.
After a while, Hansol walked towards Seungkwan and sat on his knees in front of the other boy on the floor.
Slowly, he lifted Seungwan's chin until their eyes met. Hansol's eyes shifted from Seungkwan's eyes, down towards his lips. He stared at the other's lips for a while until he very slowly inched closer. Seungkwan closed his eyes and moved his hands up to Hansol's neck to pull him closer until their lips met.
For a moment it was as if time stopped. They would've never admitted it, but both of them had wanted this for quite a while. The only thing they were afraid of was losing the other and they felt like that would happen if they said they wanted to be more than just best friends.
But here they were. Kissing on Hansol's floor. And it felt so right.
For a moment they forgot about what would happen next and they just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
Hansol had now moved his hands up towards Seungkwan's face and he cupped the boy's cheeks, deepening the kiss a little. Even though Seungkwan was his best friend, he had been in love with him for a while. At first he thought it was just platonic but every time he looked at the shorter boy, something sparked inside of him. Even if he pushed Seungkwan away all the time, he hoped every time that Seungkwan would come back. He wanted to be the one Seungkwan would come to for everything. He wanted to save Seungkwan from heartbreaks and every time Seungkwan was sad, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and he wanted to hurt anyone who would hurt Seungkwan. He couldn't control his feelings for Seungkwan and it had only gotten more difficult lately.
All he wanted was to be with Seungkwan. To hug him whenever he wanted. To hold his hands. To kiss him whenever he felt like it.
And maybe, from now on he would be able to do that.

Seungkwan was the one to break the kiss. He pulled away from Hansol a little but looked him in the eye.
"Hansol... What are we doing?" He asked with a sad tone in his voice.
Hansol looked at him with a panicked expression in his eyes.
"What do you mean? Is this not what you want?" Hansol asks worriedly as he brings his hand up to the side of Seungkwan's face.
The other leans in to for a second but then takes the hand away from his face and into his own hands.
"I don't know Hansol... what if something goes wrong? I can't afford to lose you..." Seungkwan looks up to Hansol with watery eyes.
"You're not gonna lose me Seungkwan. No matter what happens, you are never going to lose me." Seungkwan closes his eyes and a tear rolls down his cheek and falls onto Hansol's hand.
"Seungkwan look at me..." Hansol waits for Seungkwan to look at him before he continues.
"I love you. In every way you can think of. And that's not gonna change. You know you mean the world to me and you always will."
Hansol brings his hand to Seungkwan's cheek and wipes the tears away.
Seungkwan smiles through his tears and says: "I love you too..."

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