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When I finally got home from my lonely walk back, I put on the song that Seungkwan and I made. It's the only way to hear his voice when he's not with me and hearing him sing just makes me so happy. I know I'm going to play this song nonstop for at least the following week because Seungkwan just sings it so damn beautifully.

As I lay on the sofa I close my eyes, feeling so relaxed and happy it's as if Seungkwan is singing me to sleep and that is an idea I could definitely get used to.
Before long I can feel myself actually drifting off to sleep but I can't be bothered to turn off the music, it sounds way too beautiful.

When I wake up again the first thing I do is check the clock. Two hours have passed but Seungkwan's not here.
A couple of seconds later my phone buzzes.

From: Kwannie
Sorry Vernonie, I don't think I can come over rn. I didn't feel that well so I went home... I'll see you tomorrow at school...

Hmm... that's not really like him. Usually he would still come over even though he doesn't feel well. Maybe it's just really bad this time..?

To: Kwannie
Aww Kwannie I hope it's not too bad...
:(( do you want me to come over? I can bring ice cream

I impatiently wait for a reply which I get within a couple of minutes.

From: Kwannie
No no, it's fine. I don't want to make you sick. Don't come. I'll see you later. I'm just going to get some sleep

Hmm I hope he's alright. Usually when he doesn't want anyone around it's only when he's actually really sick. But he seemed fine earlier...?
I can't help but worry about him when he's not around me. I just want to know what he's doing and if he's happy, that's all I need.
I guess I'll just have to find out when I see him tomorrow.

I'll just get some homework done and get some food and then go to sleep. Honestly a day where I can't even text Seungkwan is no fun anyway, there's no use in staying up late.

-the next morning-

I couldn't sleep that well at all last night. I'm worried about my boo and it kept me awake. I just want to see him. I miss him.
God when did I become this cheesy?
Damn you Boo Seungkwan, you've made me soft.

Anyways, I turn on the music, the same beautiful voice that I can't get enough of. At least I have a little bit of Boo with me wherever I go now. His voice is enough.

I get dressed and as I turn to the clock I realise I've completely lost track of time and if I don't leave now I'm gonna be late for school.
So I run downstairs and out the door, no time for breakfast. I just wanna get to school, like, right now.

As I reach the school's playground I can see Seungkwan's friends standing where they always are but I don't think Seungkwan is actually with them. Hmm that's weird, he's never late for school...

To: Kwannie
Are you coming to school today, Boo? Are you feeling better? I miss you

I send the text message and walk up to Seungkwan's friends, maybe they know more about how he's doing.

"Hyung, do you know how Seungkwan is doing? He was supposed to come over to my house yesterday but texted me that he wasn't feeling well?" I ask Seungcheol who I know is one of Seungkwan's closest friends. He's basically Seungkwan's older brother.
Instead of answering he just raises an eyebrow and turns to Jeonghan. I recognise him from Seungkwan's vocal class.
But Jeonghan just shrugs.
"I think if anyone should know anything about Seungkwan, it would be you Hansol... sorry."

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