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Hansol and Seungkwan spend the rest of the day in Hansol's house.
They mostly stayed on his couch because they were too lazy to go anywhere else except for when they got hungry and wanted a snack, Hansol would be the one to get the things he knew Seungkwan loved the most.

As the day went on, their conversations about themselves did too. They acted exactly like how a new couple acts and giggled sweetly at the cute and cheesy things the other said.
"You know, I've had a crush on you for a while, I was just always too scared you'd reject me." Seungkwan confessed and it made Hansol smile and shake his head lightly. Seeing Seungkwan so shy and vulnerable was so exceptional and Hansol thought it was the most adorable thing he had ever witnessed.
"Kiss me again..." Seungkwan then added and it sparked something in Hansol's stomach. The shy boy that was in front of him only a few seconds ago was suddenly gone and Seungkwan hungrily bit his bottom lip.
Being ordered to kiss him totally turned Hansol on and it wasn't long before their lips met again.
Their lips moved perfectly in sync but it was only when Seungkwan decided to bite Hansol's lip instead that things got more heated. With things I mostly mean Hansol's face and body. He never knew Seungkwan had this side to him and Hansol found himself being so much more attracted to Seungkwan than he had ever been before. The usually so sassy diva was now getting totally lost in Hansol's kiss and the latter found it so hard to control his hormones all the sudden.
He moved his hands up to Seungkwan's neck and started gripping his hair roughly, their lips parting occasionally in the process.
When Seungkwan broke the kiss, Hansol was still going at Seungkwan's jawline and neck, making sure to stay nibbling and kissing at the same spot long enough to leave a mark.

Before things got too wild however, Seungkwan pushed him back a little.
"Sollie, we have plenty of time to try this all out in the future, we don't have to go so fast..." Seungkwan was still panting from their first ever makeout session and his lips were red and swollen, making the temptation even bigger for Hansol not to kiss him again.
But he knew Seungkwan was right, rushing things won't help them in any way. Slow and steady wins the race and that was gonna be their game plan. Neither of them wanted to ruin their relationship so they knew they would have to take things slow. Shifting from best friends to boyfriends was going to take some adjustment and the two boys were going to try their best to make things work.

By now it was getting quite late and Hansol had noticed Seungkwan yawning a couple times already as they laid on the couch watching some random, cheesy tv show that was playing.
Seungkwan laid snuggled up in Hansol's arms with a blanket covering his lower body. Hansol softly ran his fingers through Seungkwan's hair and Seungkwan snuggled up to him even closer.
"Are you tired, baby?" Hansol asked, still playing with the blonde locks of hair.
Seungkwan's cheeks heated up at the nickname and he hid his face in Hansol's chest.
"What's wrong Kwannie?" Hansol asked worriedly as he looked down at the boy.
"Hansol, you just called me baby..." Seungkwan almost whispered before giggling and covering his face again.
"What? Don't you like it?" Hansol smirked and lifted Seungkwan's head up to look him in the eyes.
"No... I.. I mean yes. I like it... it makes me feel all giddy inside and-" Seungkwan was cut off by Hansol's lips on his again and by now he was blushing a crimson red and Hansol just thought he looked so adorable, he just couldn't resist. Now that they were finally dating, Hansol didn't have to hold back his feelings anymore and it felt so great being able to kiss Seungkwan like that. It was only now, looking at Seungkwan like this, that Hansol realised just how much Seungkwan really meant to him and how much he loved the blonde diva.
He leaned in closer to Seungkwan again and he saw the blonde boy close his eyes before their lips connected and it gave him butterflies.
When their lips parted, Hansol smiled lovingly at Seungkwan and ran his hand through the blonde strands of hair again.
"Do you wanna go to bed? You look tired..." Hansol carefully asked and Seungkwan just sleepily nodded. It wouldn't have been the first time that the boys slept in the same bed. After all they've been best friends for years, a lot of things were already so normal for them.
Hansol got up and pulled the sleepy blonde up with him. He then bent down to a squat and Seungkwan looked at him, a little confused.
"Get on, Kwannie. If my baby is tired, I'm gonna carry him." Seungkwan's cheeks once again started burning as he carefully climbed onto Hansol's back and clung to him like a baby koala.
When they got to Hansol's room, Hansol carefully dropped Seungkwan onto the bed and before he knew it, he got pulled down next to the blonde boy who was basically sleep drunk by now. His eyes were already closed but the smile still lingered on his lips as he pulled Hansol closer.
Without fully realising it, Seungkwan mumbled an almost incomprehensible 'I love you' and Hansol smiled and stroked his boyfriend's cheek gently.
"I love you too..."

pls enjoy 😬

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