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The 2 boys were woken by the sound of Hansol's alarm in the morning.
When Seungkwan opened his eyes he felt his heart skip a beat. He didn't remember how exactly he got to Hansol's bed the night before, he just remembered kissing Hansol. And that exact memory gave him butterflies fluttering wildly inside his stomach.
He felt Hansol squirm around a little beside him and got pulled closer to said boy's chest. Hansol still had his arms around Seungkwan's slightly smaller frame, the way he had when they had fallen asleep the night before.

Seungkwan gently pushed a strand of hair out of Hansol's face and ran is fingertips over his cheek softly, to which Hansol hummed cutely.

"Sollie..." Seungkwan whispered as he now rested his hand on the sleepy boy's cheek.
Hansol slowly opened one eye to see his boyfriend looking at him with adoration written all over his face.
"Good morning baby." He hummed with a raspy voice that sent chills down Seungkwan's entire body. The blonde boy pressed his lips together to prevent a fanboying squeal to come out as Hansol pulled him even closer.
"Sol, we have to get up..." The blonde managed to let out as he tried to free himself from Hansol's hold.
The younger curled up in a ball and squeezed his eyes shut again as he whined like a little kid:
"Hyunnggg~ just a few more minutes~" Seungkwan smiled at the sleepy boy on the bed before cheekily pulling the blanket off of him.
"Get up you big baby, we're gonna be late for school!" Seungkwan said as he now pulled the pillow from underneath Hansol's head.
"Yahh!" The sleepy boy now sat straight up in the bed and reached out for Seungkwan's arm, pulling him down onto the bed again and straddling his waist before attacking him with tickles, making the blonde boy involuntarily scream and laugh.
"Hansol stop it!! Aahhh, I can't breathe!! hahaha please!! Get off!!" Before he could even stop screaming, he got shut up by a pair of lips pressed onto his own. He was caught off guard but it wasn't long before he moved his lips against Hansol's.
Hansol had him pinned down on the bed and he was holding Seungkwan's wrists down to the mattress. When their lips parted, Hansol stared intently into Seungkwan's eyes.
"From now on you belong to me... don't forget that." Hansol said sternly before kissing Seungkwan one more time, getting off the bed and walking into the bathroom without looking back at Seungkwan.
The blonde just laid there, shocked, looking at the closed bathroom door. He huffed as one corner of his lips pulled up a bit:
"This kid..."

I know this is short and I'm sorry but I had no inspiration for this chapter
I'll try to make the next one better and longer
See yall later

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