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When the school bell rang that signalled that classes were going to start again, the two boy snuck out of school. They really didn't feel like sitting through boring lectures all day so instead they went to Hansol's house to play games. Nobody was home during the day because both his parents went to work and his little sister went to school.

Seungkwan had been in Hansol's house so often that it was basically like a second home to him. When he stepped into the house he flung his bag to the ground and hung his jacket on the hanger. He walked into the living room after Hansol and followed him to the couch.
The moment he sat down, Hansol moved closer to him, only a few inches away from his face.
"You're not mad anymore, right Kwannie?"
The younger asked with a smirk on his face. Hansol had his hands on Seungkwan's shoulder and was leaning into his side.
Seungkwan looked at him out of the corner of his eye and moved his face away from Hansol's a little. He couldn't help but smile from the sudden affection even though Hansol was all up in his face like that. Seungkwan valued his personal space but he didn't mind it when it was Hansol who was invading it.
"Get off Hansol, it's not fair if you give me that look, you know I can't stay mad at you anyway." Seungkwan scoffed as he pushed the younger off of him and pouted childishly. Hansol laughed and ran his hand through Seungkwan's hair with a fond smile on his face. He always thought it was so cute whenever Seungkwan acted like he was mad but really wasn't because he had the habit of being really childish and pouty. And whenever Hansol would not give him the attention he wanted, he would get extra clingy. So for Hansol it was always a win-win situation. Because even if he didn't always show it, all he wanted was Seungkwan's attention in return.

Hansol put his arms around Seungkwan again and hugged him tightly.

"I really am sorry Boo, I know you're having a hard time too and I shouldn't have ignored you like that but this assignment is really killing me..." Hansol sighed just thinking about that stupid assignment and let go of Seungkwan to look at him.
" It's okay Vernonie, I know I can be a little demanding at times..." Seungkwan chuckled a little and rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly.
"Hey! How about I help you with your assignment, that'd be good practice for me too, learning how to write songs and stuff." Seungkwan looked at Hansol and smiled. The other's eyes widened a bit in adoration as he brought his hand up to his chest, where his heart was.
"Really? You'd do that for me? Seungkwan you really are an angel." Hansol dramatically replied and it made Seungkwan laugh.
"Of course I am, I'm boo Seungkwan." Seungkwan winked and it made Hansol laugh too.

Hansol got up and went to get his backpack with his stuff. When he was walking away from Seungkwan, his smile didn't fade one bit. He was so fond of the blonde haired boy sitting on his couch and he just couldn't hide it. Everything Seungkwan did was perfect to Hansol and he was always so sweet and caring for Hansol it made him melt. Even though he could be a bit much at times, Hansol would never get tired of having Seungkwan around. He wasn't just his best friend, he was so much more than that and Hansol hoped that he knew how much he meant to him.

He walked back to the couch and sat down next to Seungkwan.
"Kwannie... I want you to know that you are truly an angel and not just because you're helping me with this assignment. No matter what people tell you or what you think, you are so special to me and I... I really love you." Seungkwan was shocked at Hansol's sudden confession and just looked at him with wide eyes, not saying anything. Instead Hansol just hugged him.
"Never forget that." He whispered.
After a short while of hugging, Hansol pulled back, holding on to Seungkwan's shoulders and sighing deeply.
"Now.... let's get to writing the most amazing song we possibly can." He smiled at Seungkwan again and took out his stuff.

The two boys worked their hardest on Hansol's assignment. With occasional discussions on which chords to use and which pace a line should be played in, they spent about 2 hours really focused on this song.
Seungkwan was glad that he got to help Hansol out and he was even more glad that Hansol was only focused on the song and on him. With occasional glances towards each other, the two boys enjoyed spending time together, even if it was doing homework.
Hansol could be caught looking at Seungkwan every now and then and smiling at how beautiful he looked, focused on the sheet music in front of him.

When they finally finished the song and were happy with how it turned out, Hansol jumped up and threw his pencil on the sheets that were filled with music notes.
"Halle fucking lujah we did it Seungkwan!!" He yelled, clearly ecstatic about having finished the song. Seungkwan smiled at him, leaning back into the sofa.
Hansol bounced down into the sofa again and looking at the blonde beside him.
"Thank you so much for helping me Kwannie, god I'm so glad I could kiss you right now!" When he finished his sentence, his face went blank. Did he really just say that?

"You can." Was all Seungkwan said in return.

Woohoo shit's about
to go down
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