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-Hansol's pov-

Presenting the song that Seungkwan and I made went a lot better than I expected. I'm usually the type to stumble over my words a lot and I can't really concentrate on anything I'm saying but with this song it was all so easy. Just because it came straight from the heart. Which, I know, sounds super cheesy but it's true.
I recorded Seungkwan actually singing the song which made it sound so much better than I could've ever imagined. His voice is so beautiful and so unique. I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome than the one we ended up with.

All throughout my presentation I looked at Seungkwan smiling at me at the back of the class and it took away all my nerves.
I'm so thankful for everything he is. He's always been there for me and even though I know I acted distant from him at times, I'm so glad he never left my side.

When my presentation ended and I went back to my seat, Seungkwan never stopped smiling. His smile is my favourite thing in the entire world. Seeing him smile makes me so happy and knowing that I'm the reason for that smile makes my heart feel warm and mushy.
As I sat down, Seungkwan automatically put his hand on my thigh. He tends to do that a lot and I never know how to deal with it. It makes my heart beat so much faster and I don't think he realises what it does to me.

"You did great Sollie! I've never heard you talk about anything with so much enthusiasm before." He mocks and I can't really say he's wrong because well.. he isn't. I'm known to not really express a lot of excitement and I'm not great with words either so when I have to present something it's usually really boring for people to listen to.

"Of course Boo, it involves you so how could I not be enthusiastic?" I wink at him knowing full well that I'm being corny as hell and that he's going to act like he hates it but I know he secretly loves the attention.

The class continues with more presentations and Seungkwan and I turn to our trustworthy sticky notes to communicate for the rest of the class.

Seungkwan wrote on one of the notes that he has a vocal lesson after our last class so we won't be able to go home together which is a bummer but I know how passionate he is about singing and knowing that he's doing what he loves is enough to make me happy.

As the class ends I put all the sticky notes in between my notebook. The cute little things Seungkwan wrote made me smile and I want to keep them all with me. So I'm going to keep all those notes and maybe like, frame them or something.
As we walk outside the classroom hand in hand, I could feel people's eyes on us but it's always been that way. People don't like two guys acting the way Seungkwan and I do but we can't be bothered.
I hold onto his hand a little tighter and lead him out of the school building towards the gate where we have to say goodbye. Seungkwan has to stay for another hour and a half for his vocal practice and it honestly makes me sad. I don't know how to spend my time without him. We're literally always together.

"I gotta go Vernonie. I'll come to your place when my lesson is over. Go home now and be careful." Seungkwan says as he gives me one last kiss and pushes me out of the gate, signalling me to go home. We wave at each other until I turn the corner and I can't help but smile. How did I get so lucky to have someone as beautiful and amazing as Boo Seungkwan? I still can't fully understand.

Okay so I know nothing really happened here but bare with me. I have a plan.
Okay I hope I can find the time to update this again like, tomorrow bc I don't wanna lose my plan lmao
Anyways, I hope you're still enjoying this story
Thank you for reading it
Bye for now (ω)

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