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Monday came around sooner than Seungkwan had hoped. He laid in bed, fully awake but hiding under the covers, pretending he was still asleep.
"Kwannie wake up... we have to get ready..." Hansol whispered as he stroked Seungkwan's hair gently. The sun was peeping in through the curtains and the light hit Seungkwan's face beautifully, making him look so ethereal that Hansol didn't even really want to wake him up. He could just watch him sleep all day if he had the chance.
But Seungkwan started squirming in his sheets and whining like a little kid. Hansol chuckled a little at how Seungkwan was acting until he noticed that the boy was actually whimpering softly.
He pulled the blanket off of Seungkwan and made him sit up to look at him.
"Kwannie what's wrong? Look at me..." Seungkwan looked up at Hansol with tears in his eyes, he was shaking and having hard time trying to compose himself.
"I'm scared Hansol, I don't wanna go back..." he tried to catch his breath as a tear rolled down his cheek. Hansol's heart broke all over again at the sight of his beautiful boy crying in his arms.
"Seungkwan, I'm not leaving your side for even a second. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, that's a promise."  Hansol pulled Seungkwan in for a hug as he could feel the blonde shivering. He was determined to keep him safe and even though he wanted to take revenge more than anything, he knew that would mean he'd have to leave Seungkwan's side and that was definitely not an option right now.

In all honesty, he didn't how he'd react if he saw Dongwook at school. A part of him wanted to search the entire school until he found Dongwook and beat the shit out of him then and there but when he looked at Seungkwan and saw how damaged and scared he was, Hansol just wanted to keep him as far always from Dongwook as he could. One thing was certain: he'd protect Seungkwan at all cost and one way or another, Dongwook would get what he deserved.

It took a while for Seungkwan to start getting ready. It was clear that he was fighting a battle within himself and that it took all of his courage to go to school that day, which is definitely why they were running a bit late. Hansol kept throwing Seungkwan little words of encouragement and gave him physical reassurance every now and then. Seungkwan knew that Hansol was there for him and it made him more at ease.

Seungkwan wasn't just scared to go back to school because he thought Dongwook would try to hurt him again. He was also incredibly nervous to see his friends. Over the weekend he had texted the group chat and told them what had happened. Everyone was furious and extremely worried about Seungkwan but Seungkwan was also tremendously embarrassed about the bruises and cuts on his face and he was anxious about the way people would treat him because of it. But only time would tell how everything would go and time was running low to get to class.

Hansol had to almost literally drag Seungkwan out of the apartment. With every step they took, Hansol could feel the resistance and hesitation from Seungkwan. But he didn't want to be late to school. Mostly because that would mean they'd have to enter the classroom when everyone was already seated and all of the attention would be drawn to them right away. Hansol thought that would be too much for Seungkwan today so he made sure to walk to class as fast as he could, pulling Seungkwan behind him as he went.

As they were approaching the school gates, Hansol could feel Seungkwan's grip on his hand tightening. He knew how scared and nervous Seungkwan was and he could feel his anger bubbling up again but he tried not to let it show. After all, Seungkwan didn't need to deal with anger right now. Hansol stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Seungkwan. 
"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked his boyfriend softly.
Seungkwan's face was more pale than usual, except for the remainder of the bruises that had thankfully lightened a bit over the weekend. He did his best to look confident but the fear was showing on his face and there was no way he could hide it from Hansol. After all, he knew him better than anyone.

"Let's just go." Seungkwan said softly. There was no easy way to get through these first hours of school, the first time seeing his friends and all the questions he was bound to get. Better to just grit his teeth and go through it. Hansol squeezed Seungkwan's hand softly as they walked through the gate and onto the schoolyard. Seungkwan kept his head down and tried to make his bangs fall over his eyes as much as possible, so as not to make the cut on his eyebrow too visible. A little sense of relief washed over him as he saw Seungcheol and Mingyu running towards them. Seungkwan let go of Hansol's hand to hug both of them and Hansol looked around the yard to see if he could find the boy he was so anxious to see. So far there was no sign of Dongwook and Hansol didn't know whether to be even more angry or relieved.

Seungcheol and Mingyu tried their best not to ask Seungkwan too many questions about the incident and to just act like it was another normal day at school. Soon enough their other friends joined the conversation and Seungkwan was happy to see everyone and he felt secure within his group of friends. After catching up for a little while, the school bell rung, signalling the start of the day. Seungkwan flinched at the sound and immediately grabbed Hansol's hand, who just interlaced their fingers and held onto the nervous boy tightly. Their first class was about to begin and thank god Dongwook wasn't in it.

As the class ended Seungkwan tensed up again. Every time he had to leave the safe space that didn't have Dongwook in it, he felt uneasy. And so did Hansol. He knew they'd cross paths with Dongwook after first period on Mondays  since they always did and it made him very anxious. He still hadn't fully decided what he was going to do once he saw him but everyone would soon enough find out. They left the classroom hand in hand with a couple of their friends in front of and behind them. The group had collectively decided to form a sort of barrier around the couple to make Seungkwan feel more safe. But this didn't keep Hansol's eyes from meeting Dongwook' s in the corridor. Hansol's heart skipped a beat and his blood instantaneously started boiling. He was ready to storm at the bully until he felt his hand being squeezed and the sleeve of his sweater being gripped tightly. Even though he could see Dongwook raise an eyebrow at him to provoke him. He stopped right in his tracks and turned around to pull Seungkwan into his arms. Seungkwan was shaking and was very clearly terrified. He wasn't ready for this encounter and he was terrified of the idea of Hansol getting into a fight with Dongwook. "Hansol please..." was all he could say as he clutched his fists onto the fabric of Hansol's sweater. Hansol knew he wasn't going to leave Seungkwan. And fighting Dongwook wasn't going to resolve anything. Even though he wanted nothing more than to punch the bully in the face. He couldn't do that to Seungkwan. Instead, Hansol put his arm around Seungkwan and lead him past Dongwook and his gang without giving him any further attention. The couple's friends had already formed a tight circle around the two to protect them and were all giving Dongwook death stares as they walked past him. When they finally reached their next classroom, Seungkwan could finally breathe again. Hansol on the other hand was even more furious now that he had seen the effect that Dongwook still had on the boy he loved. But even more so the way Dongwook has smiled at him. Hansol was livid. His face felt hot with rage and he didn't realise he was squeezing Seungkwan's hand until his love pulled away from him, rubbing his own hand.
"Hansol, you're hurting me..."
Hansol's rage turned into immense guilt as he quickly but gently grabbed Seungkwan's hand and kissed it, before pulling him into his arms. "Kwannie I'm so sorry, I'm just so angry and seeing Dongwook made it so much worse. I'm so sorry, hurting you is the last thing I wanted to do. I'm sorry" He hugged Seungkwan tightly and didn't let go until he felt the other pull away from him slightly.
"I know Sollie, it's okay..." Seungkwan smiled at him softly and leaned in to kiss him but then pulled away before their lips could meet and looked down at the floor. Seungkwan was scared to kiss Hansol. He was scared of what the people around them would think. He was scared that someone else would try to hurt them. Hansol's heart hurt. Not because Seungkwan didn't kiss him but because he knew how scared Seungkwan was. He wanted to cry. He still couldn't believe how anyone could break his beautiful boy like this.
"I'm sorry" Seungkwan said in almost a whisper before sitting down in his chair and looking down at the table, avoiding eye contact with Hansol.

Hansol sat down next to him without saying a word. He just grabbed Seungkwan's hand under the table and held it for the rest of the class.


yoooooo it's literally been 3 years since ive updated this fic but im back bitchesss
are people still reading this story? 
also do y'all wanna see hansol fight dongwook or nahh, let me know :) 
let me know what you think

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