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When the two boys finished getting dressed and ready for school, they made their way out of the house and started heading to school, hands intertwined and a slight blush beneath the skin of both their cheeks.
It was the first time they would ever walk hand in hand, sure they've held hands before but this time was different. The feeling changed for both of them and they no longer had to be insecure about how the other felt. They could now finally love each other without limits.

When they arrived at the school gates, they saw a small group of their friends already waiting for them. The first thing Seungkwan saw was Seungcheol standing there with his arms crossed in front of his chest, one eyebrow raised and a cheeky grin on his face.
"I see you two have made up." He mocked, nodding his head towards their still intertwined hands.
"We have." Hansol happily replied as he mischievously pecked Seungkwan's cheek, leaving the shorter boy completely flustered with a red tint in his cheeks.
"Yah, Cwe Hansol~" Seungkwan whined as he pushed Hansol away from him in embarrassment.
Most of their friends were confused about the situation but Seungcheol just smiled like he was a proud parent and hugged the two younger boys, squishing them together.
"Congrats you twooo~" he cooed and slowly but surely the rest of their friends caught on to what was happening and started cheering in excitement. 
Seungkwan on the other hand only got more and more red and shy, which was very unlike him.
When Hansol noticed how uncomfortable his boyfriend looked, he gently grabbed his hand again and smiled at him reassuringly.

The boys went about their days like they normally would, just a little more clingy towards each other. Whereas Seungkwan had always been quite affectionate towards Hansol, it was't really like that the other way around. Hansol was more tsundere. He never really showed his affection for Seungkwan before but now that they had confessed to each other, that completely changed. Hansol had never been someone who'd easily show his feelings or be super clingy towards anyone, not even Seungkwan. Sure, they cuddled and they held hands and stuff like that but those were mostly initiated by the clingy blonde.
However, now it was the other way around. Hansol couldn't stop touching Seungkwan, cuddling him, holding his hands, stealing kisses. And with every single sign of affection Hansol showed, Seungkwan became more and more flustered. He had never gotten this much of attention from Hansol and throughout the day he was in a constant state of astonishment. And quite honestly he wasn't the only one.
People around them were just as confused or even shocked at Hansol's actions.
Even though everyone was used to the two boys being close, they weren't used to seeing them this close.

Even when they were sitting in the cafeteria for lunch, Hansol couldn't keep his hands off of Seungkwan. As his hands trailed down to Seungkwan's thighs, the blonde completely froze before abruptly grabbing Hansol's hand and dragging him out of the cafeteria.
They went into the storage room and even though Hansol had a smirk on his face, Seungkwan was having none of it.
"Hansol can you please control your hormones? Like, full offence but you're acting like a horny teenager." Seungkwan said as he fanned his face.
Hansol chuckled at Seungkwan's choice of words. Hansol was in fact a horny teenager but he knew that Seungkwan was right when he told him to keep it in his pants, they were in school after all.
Seungkwan nodded after Hansol agreed to take it down a notch and the blonde was about to walk out the storage room when he suddenly got pulled back by his wrist and pinned against the wall. Hansol stepped closer to him so that their bodies were pressed together.
Hansol had a smirk on his face as he brought his face closer to Seungkwan, lips hovering over Seungkwan's for a second before roughly kissing him.
Seungkwan felt his face flush again as he moved his hands down the small of Hansol's back, his toned body clearly noticeable through the thin fabric of his shirt while Hansol pinned Seungkwan's wrists to the wall above Seungkwan's head, taking full control over the older boy. Leaving love bites all over his neck, some of which were sure to leave marks.
Before things got too carried away however, Hansol broke their makeout sesh and let Seungkwan's hands down before looking him in the eyes. The taller's eyes were still filled with lust as he pecked Seungkwan's lips one last time.
"I've been waiting to do that all day."

Hansol walked out of the storage room, leaving Seungkwan once again flustered, cheeks red and lips puffy.

He's such a tease.
Damn you Hansol.

Ayooo peeps
It me again
Long time no see ammirite
I'm so sorry this is so late
I love you all
Pls comment and all that good stuff
Lemme know what you think

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