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Hansol has had control over Seungkwan and his feelings the entire morning and Seungkwan was plotting a change.
The way the taller had been teasing him and dominating him had put Seungkwan in some embarrassing situations and it was time for a change. It was time for Seungkwan to take control. After all, he was the queen and he couldn't let anyone take control over him, not even Hansol.

Seungkwan figured out the perfect way to take revenge on Hansol was to do the exact opposite of what said boy had been doing all day.
Seungkwan would take complete and utter distance from Hansol, while making him as jealous as possible.
That seemed like a great idea.

Seungkwan took a while to walk out of the storage room even after regaining his steadiness and making sure that his hair wasn't too messed up. He checked his face in the selfie cam of his phone and smirked as he walked out the room. Determined to make Hansol pay for what he did. A situation that Seungkwan was bound to win.
He walked back to the cafeteria and sat down opposite Hansol instead of next to him. Hansol was still smirking but Seungkwan knew that it wasn't gonna be that way for long.
Before long the blonde took Soonyoung's hand and dragged him out of the cafeteria because he 'had to tell Soonyoung something'. Seungkwan could see the look of confusion in Hansol's eyes as they walked past him, Hansol's eyes trailing down to Seungkwan and Soonyoung's intertwined hands.
Looks like this is going to be easier than I thought.. Seungkwan smiled to himself.

When they were outside the cafeteria Seungkwan let go of Soonyoung and smiled at him.
"Hyung~ my amazing and sweet hyung~" Seungkwan mischievously cooed.
"What do you need Seungkwan?" Soonyoung knew him well enough to know that when he acted like this he would ask Soonyoung to do something he didn't want to do.
So Seungkwan explained his plan in detail. He wanted to 'use' Soonyoung to make Hansol jealous. And Soonyoung was sure this was gonna backfire on Seungkwan but he was curious to see how it would work out and if they really got Hansol to a point of actually being jealous.

They walked back into the cafeteria, laughing and arms swung around each other, making sure to be as close as they were before Hansol and Seungkwan started dating.
Hansol was already eyeballing them from the second he saw them walk back into the cafeteria and Soonyoung noticed. When they made it back to the table, they sat next to each other and Soonyoung brought his hand up to Seungkwan's ear to whisper:
"Jesus it's already working" making sure no one but Seungkwan heard while the blonde just laughed and winked at Soonyoung.
"So what were you guys talking about?" Hansol asked, annoyance already noticeable in his voice.
"Secrets that you don't need to know..." Seungkwan winked at Hansol. Hansol's ears instantly became red and it made Seungkwan smirk.

When lunch was over, Hansol tried to get near Seungkwan right away but the blonde just clung onto Soonyoung for dear life, ignoring Hansol to the best of his abilities.
He walked to class with his and Soonyoung's arm intertwined and Hansol following right behind them.
The first period was PE and their class was going to play badminton which meant they would be divided in groups of two and of course, Seungkwan would pair up with Soonyoung instead of Hansol leaving him more and more annoyed with every minute that passed.
Hansol has to watch his boyfriend laughing and playing around with another boy the entire class. And even though Hansol never thought he would be the possessive type of boyfriend, he definitely was.
Like, he was so jealous he could almost feel his blood boiling whenever he saw Seungkwan smiling at Soonyoung. Because it should've been him Seungkwan was smiling at, not Soonyoung.

When PE was over and everyone was leaving the locker room, Hansol pulled Seungkwan back in and hissed at Soonyoung to leave.
He brusquely slammed Seungkwan's back against the lockers and looked him in the eyes with fury and jealousy flickering in them.
"Did I not tell you that you belonged to me?" Hansol angrily said as he stared furiously at Seungkwan's eyes, then his lips.
He kissed Seungkwan's lips.
"These lips."
He kissed above Seungkwan's eye.
"These eyes."
He kissed Seungkwan's neck.
"This neck."
He kissed Seungkwan's chest as the blonde put his hands in Hansol's hair. 
"This body. It's all mine. And I don't plan on sharing it with anyone."
He kissed Seungkwan's lips again.
"Do you hear me Boo Seungkwan? You are mine. Every part of you belongs to me. From now I want you to only look at me."
Hansol's lips still hovered over Seungkwan's as Hansol's hands were placed nonchalantly on Seungkwan's hips.
"You didn't strike me as the jealous type, Chwe Hansol... guess I got what I wanted." Seungkwan smirked as he bit his lips teasingly.
He pulled Hansol towards him until their bodies were once again pressed together and their lips roughly connected into a passionate kiss.
Hansol's hands went down to rest on Seungkwan's ass while Seungkwan's hands were still tangled up in Hansol's hair, making sure that he wasn't going anywhere.
It wasn't until Hansol suddenly lifted Seungkwan off the ground that their lips parted and Seungkwan smiled down at his boyfriend.
"I'm all yours, Cwe Hansol."
He said as he wrapped his legs around Hansol's hips and kissed him again.

Here's jealous Hansol for ya cossetjoon
Hope you enjoyed 😄
Tell me what yall think
Ily all so much

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