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The boys had their last class of the day up next. The class they had worked so hard for. And the class that had actually brought them together; music.
Hansol would have to present his song to his teacher and their classmates and he had never been so nervous.
He was biting his nails when Seungkwan snapped him out of his thoughts by taking his hand into his own and softly stroking the back with his thumb.
"Stop biting your nails Vernonie you're going to make yourself bleed..." he said softly as he kissed the back of Hansol's hand.
The nervous boy looked up at Seungkwan who seemed so calm and angelic that it made him even more nervous.
"Aren't you anxious to know how good our song actually is??" Hansol spat out with wide eyes.
"I don't need validation from anyone but you, Hansol. The song is great because it is ours. I don't need anyone to confirm that." Seungkwan said, smiling slightly. He looked up at Hansol, looked around the classroom and when he saw that no one was looking at them, he quickly kissed the tip of Hansol's nose.
Hansol blushed a crimson red as he intertwined their hands under the desk.

Hansol handed in the sheet music and as he stood there waiting for the teacher to review it, he looked back at Seungkwan and somehow didn't feel as nervous as he was before because even though the assignment was important to him, he had something so much more important. The cute boy at the back of the class, smiling and putting his thumbs up was enough for Hansol to forget about any worries he had ever had.
Seungkwan was his. And Seungkwan was the most important thing in Hansol's life and he suddenly felt so grateful for having the blonde boy looking up at him with so much joy and love.

The teacher just smiled at Hansol and told him everything looked pretty good and that he could go back to his seat. Hansol politely bowed and happily went back to his seat next to Seungkwan.
He leaned into Seungkwan to whisper in his ear.
"Do you actually know how much I love you?"
Seungkwan was taken aback and his cheeks flushed a soft pink.
"I love you so much, I'd sell a kidney for you." Seungkwan just burst out laughing at that comment and hit Hansol's chest in hysteria.
"You're such a dork Hansol!" Seungkwan said in between his laughter. Meanwhile Hansol was just admiring the beauty that was Boo Seungkwan. The way he rocked back and forth when he laughed. The way his eyes disappeared. The way his beautiful smile could just light up the darkest place.
Hansol had never seen anyone so beautiful.
He pulled him down to whisper in his ear again.
"Seriously Seungkwan you are so beautiful and I love you so much." He kissed Seungkwan's cheek quickly before sitting back in his chair and Seungkwan now shyly hit his chest as his cheeks flushed a darker shade of pink.
Instead of saying anything in return, Seungkwan just formed a heart with his hands before covering his face.
He looked so cute and Hansol couldn't stop staring at the beautiful boy in front of him.

Okay so I'm thinking I should write from the characters point of view in the next chapter(s) just bc I have an idea and I feel like that's the only way it'll work
What do you guys think?
Also I'm sorry for always making you wait so long.......
I love you guys

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