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Hansol was furious to say the least, even if he didn't show it that much. He didn't want to hurt Seungkwan more than he was already hurting just by getting mad.

Hansol had taken Seungkwan to the hospital the day after he found out.
Luckily nothing was broken but Seungkwan did have a few bruised ribs which just made Hansol's blood boil again. He still couldn't understand why anyone would do this to Seungkwan. He's literally the sweetest person on this planet, he's an actual angel, why would anyone want to hurt him? Hansol just couldn't wrap his head around it.

They had decided to stay at Seungkwan's house for the rest of the week. Seungkwan was almost in too much pain to move and even though he said he'd go back to school because he didn't want to miss his vocal lessons, there was no way Hansol would let him actually go outside right now.
Today is a Thursday so they'd have a couple of days for Seungkwan to recover so maybe he could go back to school on Monday.
From now on Hansol had decided to never leave Seungkwan's side anymore, not even in school. Hansol would wait for Seungkwan while he was in his vocal classes after school, he didn't care if he'd have to sit there for an hour and a half all by himself. He would never let anyone so much as look at Seungkwan in a way he didn't like, let alone leave him alone at school when he knows the assholes who did this might be around there somewhere.
Hansol would first take his revenge, so they wouldn't dare to even point a finger at Seungkwan anymore.

They were sitting on the couch, cuddled up close together. Hansol was playing with Seungkwan's hair and Seungkwan was fiddling with Hansol's sweatshirt. The blonde boy had been so quiet ever since the incident but he seemed to have relaxed a little more by now compared to when it first happened so Hansol thought it'd be a good timing to ask about what happened some more, since Seungkwan had been too much of a mess to actually tell Hansol about it earlier.
"How are you feeling Kwannie? Are you still in a lot of pain?" Hansol said softly as he continued to play with Seungkwan's hair.
Seungkwan froze for a second. He really didn't want to talk about it and he was glad Hansol hadn't asked about it until now.
He sat up and turned to look at Hansol, trying his best not to break out in tears right away.
"I... I don't understand Hansolie... did I do something wrong...? Why did they have to hurt me like that..?" Seungkwan chokes up again and Hansol's heart shatters. He never expected someone to break Seungkwan like that. He doesn't deserve any of this.
"I don't know baby, I really don't... but what I do know is that you did absolutely nothing wrong Seungkwanah please don't ever blame yourself for this." Seungkwan looks up at Hansol again, tears clearly building up in his eyes.
"I was just walking home.. and then they pulled me down to the ground... by my hood... and then... then... they started kicking me and punching me... and... they kept shouting that I was disgusting... and I deserved this... for... being gay... that god hates me... and I should just... die..." Seungkwan was crying and stuttering and shaking and Hansol couldn't take it. He just wanted to storm out of the house and find those assholes who did this to Seungkwan.
"What if... what if they'll do it to you next...?" Hansol got snapped out of his rage when Seungkwan said that.
"Kwannie don't worry. I'm gonna get to them first and give them what they deserve." Hansol said sternly but Seungkwan clutched onto Hansol's sweater.
"No... Hansol, they'll hurt you... you can't... they're too strong... you'll get hurt..." Seungkwan looked at Hansol pleadingly. Almost begging him not to do anything.
"I don't care if they hurt me. No one will ever hurt you and just get away with it like that Seungkwan, do you understand? They can hurt me all they want but if they so much as reach a finger out to you ever again, I will break all the bones in their bodies. I swear to god, they'll never touch you again, even if my life depends on it." Hansol looked right at Seungkwan the entire time. Barely even blinking so he'd be sure his message got across.
Seungkwan only looked like he was about to cry harder.
"You can't... don't get hurt for me... it's not worth it..." Hansol felt a searing pain in his chest.
"Don't ever say that again. Ever. Seungkwan, you are my world, my universe. I'd do anything for you. You are worth everything. Don't ever think otherwise. I will walk through fire for you and there is nothing you could do to stop me. I'm willing to go through anything so you won't have to get hurt." Hansol didn't stutter once. He knew exactly what he wanted to say.
"But..." Seungkwan tried to argue.
"But nothing, Seungkwan. I love you. You mean the world to me, and I won't let anyone hurt you ever again." Seungkwan closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against Hansol's chest.
"I don't want you to get hurt..." Seungkwan whispered as he held onto Hansol's sweater even tighter.
"Nothing could hurt me more than seeing you hurt, Kwannie... I will do anything I can to make this right. And in the meantime I will be right here to take care of you." Hansol softly patted Seungkwan's soft blonde hair. He knew there really wasn't anything he could do to ever make this right but he would do anything to try and at least make it better.

Seungkwan was tired. Not only physically but mentally. He knew exactly why those guys hurt him like that. It's because he's different. Because he likes boys. Because he loves Hansol. That's why. They would never be able to accept it and they just needed a target, that's all Seungkwan was to them. They hurt others to make themselves feel more powerful. When in reality they have nothing. They're just a bunch of pathetic bullies, that's all there is to them. They will never be any better than hurting others for shits and giggles.
But Seungkwan didn't want to get hurt anymore. And he didn't want Hansol to get hurt either. He knew that if Hansol tried to fight back, he'd get hurt even worse than Seungkwan had. But he also knew that there was no way to stop him. Hansol is very headstrong and once he sets his mind to something he will finish what he started. And Seungkwan was worried.
But right now he just wanted to be as close to Hansol as he possibly could be. Before anything goes wrong. Before he gets taken away from Seungkwan in one way or another.

"I'm sorry..." Hansol whispered.
"Why?" Seungkwan looked at Hansol and he seemed sad. Seungkwan has never seen this look on Hansol's face and he couldn't quite translate it.
"For this. It's my fault. It's because we're together. If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't have happened. And you'd be okay... so I'm sorry for not being able to protect you..."
"Don't say that. I'm going to ignore what you just said, Hansol. Don't you dare repeat it." Seungkwan wanted to cry all over again. He knew Hansol would end up blaming himself. He always does. But it's not his fault. It's no one's fault but those douchebags who did this.
But it's all done now. And there's nothing that can change what happened.
Seungkwan is in pain and Hansol's heart is broken. Those assholes got what they wanted and Seungkwan and Hansol know this isn't the end of it.

Okay tbh idek what this chapter is whoops...
Do you guys prefer a third person POV or the first person POV like I did the last 2 chaps? Let me know
Also are you guys still enjoying this? I'm really wondering

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