-8-Part One-

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"Welcome to Happy Together! Today on our show we have such young people with us today! As usual, this is Defconn here to be the Mc for today since our lovely host is on a honeymoon, congrats to you!" Defconn said as he opened the show with the other co-hosts sitting beside him on the couches.

"I heard all of our guests are all either young or beautiful. Is that true?" Jae Suk asked as Defconn nodded his head.

"Why don't we bring them in so you could see for yourself?" Defconn said in response as the door opened showing Eunwoo from Astro, Seungjun from KNK, Mark from NCT, and you.

You walked in last since you voluntarily (more like begged) told everyone that you would walk in last so that you could see their reaction when a girl walks in. They agreed and was already going along with your plan on telling the hosts that it was going to be an all-boy show today.

"Wait a minute, are there no girls coming on today?" Myeong Su asked as he looked at the boys while pretending to judge them.

"Are you not happy to see us?" Mark asked as he pretended to be hurt and wipe away invisible tears.

"Ani. I'm not happy at all." Myeon Su responded as they burst into laughter as one of the staff told you to ring the doorbell that they inserted for the show.

Once you did, you heard all of the laughter pause for a good moment before being told to walk in. Right when you did that, Somebody New played making the hosts stand up and look as if you were the first girl that they've seen. You bowed to each host and made your way to a spot next to Eunwoo.

"Wah...you're even prettier in person. A-Are you even wearing makeup?" Hyun Moo said as he continued to stare at you before being hit on the head by Defconn that was holding the cards.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, why don't we get started with introductions? Ladies first!" Defconn said as he gave you smile. You nodded and stood up.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm (Y/N), the maknae of the rookie group Variety. And I was running late so I'm not wearing makeup" You said with a smile on your face before chuckling at how surprised Hyun Moo was to hear the answer to his question.

"Excuse me, but are you a high school student?" Myeong Su asked as you nodded your head while laughing a bit.

"Yah. Don't flirt with children!" Jae Suk said as Myeon Su gave him a stare before having you sit down.

Time Skip...since we all know about the other duudesss whooops

"Can I just say how it's so unfair that Mark-ssi and Seungjun-ssi have to suffer?" Myung Soo said as the others looked at him confused on why he would blurt something random aloud.

"How are they suffering Myung Soo?" Hyun Moo asked as Myung Soo shook his head as if the question was supposed to have an easy answer.

"(Y/N) and Eunwoo are literally shining while Seungjun and Mark look so dull. It's as if the sun had gotten brighter with these two! Their looks are something else." Myung Soo explained as you couldn't help but laugh at how random his statement was. Eunwoo and you were already siblings and were always told about how two people who looked as if they were manga siblings.

"We actually had people telling us that when I was in school with her." Eunwoo said as you nodded your head, surprising many of the people.

"Wait so you guys have a history together?" Hyun Moo asked as the two of you nodded your heads once again.

"They probably became pretty together." Seungjun said as Myung Soo got up from his spot to high five the other for that.

"We're actually siblings, but I left to train to be an idol. I was quite surprised to hear that she became an idol though." Eunwoo said as Defconn and the others listened carefully.

You crossed your legs and listened to what he was going to say since you and Eunwoo were actually picked on for being so good-looking, causing some students to try and destroy that image.

"We had a past of us being picked on for being so nice-looking. But we always thought that we weren't good-looking at all, so we just decided to keep our circle of friends to just us two." You explained as Jae Sook glared at Myung Soo and Seungjun who had their heads down as if their mothers had just scolded them.

"Never judge someone without hearing their side of the story, you two." Defconn said as you and Eunwoo chuckled.

"Seugjun, I heard that you got to meet Astro's maknae the other day." Hyun Moo said as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, he's taller than I expected him to be." Seungjun answered as Eunwoo nodded his head, agreeing to what the other said about his maknae.

"So we have two maknaes here with us today...Mark how does it feel to be in three sub-units?" Jae Sook asked as a quick and quiet sigh escaped the blond boy's mouth.

"It takes even more effort. I have to learn different dances and songs while memorizing the lyrics. The worst part is when we would have back to back concerts with each unit performing." Mark said as Defconn patted him on the back while laughing at how tired Mark seemed.

"One day, they will understand...one day." Defconn said, in between of his chuckles.

"When will a new song be out, (Y/N)?" Hyun Moo asked as you thought quietly making sure that the date was actually correct before you gave people the wrong date.

"It should be out by the end of the month. Teasers go out a week before that too." You answered as Jae Sook clapped his hands, which was followed by Myung Soo.

The show went on for a couple of more minutes before it was finally time for it to end. You had a good time joking around and telling them more about Variety, which would help all at the end when people listen to Somebody New and the new song. You bid goodbyes with everyone before going back to the van, so that you could change and get ready for your next show.

"One show down, one more to go."

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