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"(Y/N), come with me to the convenience store." Nina said as you nodded your head and hopped off the couch while taking a mask with you.

"What are we getting?" You asked as Nina wandered around before bumping into someone.

"Ah, my fault. I wasn't looking." Nina said as she bowed while leaving the boy in shock with me in the background apologizing to him too.

"A-Are you guys part of Variety?" The boy asked as the two of you nodded your heads.

"I thought we weren't popular." You said a little too loud as a crowd began to form around the two of you.

Nina paid no mind to the crowd as she continued to look for the snacks that she came to buy. You decided to do the same and go over to the drinks section to get something for all of the members.

"Da Eun likes Sprite, Cha Soo likes Coke, Min Cha likes Arizona Tea, Nina likes coffee, and I kind of want (favorite drink)." You said as you took all the drinks out while noticing that people were either taking pictures of you and Nina or taking notes on what type of drinks everyone likes.

"(Y/N), do you want anything?" Nina asked as you nodded your head and went to get the snacks that you've been dying to have.

By the time that you and Nina checked out, Twitter was blowing up with pictures of the two of you at the convenience store getting things.

Time to the Skip

"Welcome back." Cha Soo said as you handed everyone their drinks.

"Where's Da Eun?" You asked as Min Cha began to smirk while showing a text message from Da Eun telling her that she went to Bts for something.

"Let's all go over there." Nina suggested as the members shook their heads and began to laze around in the dorm.

Da Eun's Pov

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked as the six boys pointed to their maknae who was avoiding eye contact with me.

"Our little maknae has a little crush on your maknae." Jin said while nudging his side.

"It's not a little crush. I think he's in love with her." Hoseok said as Jimin nodded his head while resting his legs on Yoongi.

"Is that true?" I asked as Jungkook finally gave me one glance before nodding his head while turning bright red.

I watched as I noticed how shy this boy was...has he ever fell in love before? What if (Y/N) is his first? Oh gosh..this could end bad.

"Alright...what would you like to know about her?" I asked as the boys turned their heads over to Jungkook who was still red.

"Um has she ever had a boyfriend?" The younger asked as I had to think back to where we had a group bonding trip.

"I think she did...I can't remember. Let me ask her." I said as I took out my phone and dialed her number.

BOLD is you ITALIC is Da Eun

Yeoboseyo? ((Hello?))

(Y/N) I need your help

Okay what's up?

I'm being asked about couples and i don't know what to say haha. Who was your ex again?

Club Sign Chicago


Sorry that's his rap name haha

Kim Junho

Can I have a pic??


So I can see why your relationship ended

Haha, it ended in good terms but okay

Okay thanks imma go now have fun with the members 

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Okay thanks imma go now have fun with the members 

Once the phone call ended with (Y/N) I showed the members the guy that she had once dated. Even though my little maknae didn't tell me about their relationship, I can still tell that sooner or later they might end up back together. And that's a big X for Jungkook if he doesn't get his move on.

"Alright so (Y/N) dated a member from Dickids Crew." Yoongi said as I nodded my head while looking over to Jungkook who was trying to seem tough when in reality he just looked intimidated.

"You have to step up your game if you want to end up with (Y/N)." I jokingly said as Yoongi nodded his head.

"What should I do to get with her?"


So I chose someone that's not in the Kpop section but in the Khiphop section to make it seem like Jungkook is imitated by him.

Club Sign Chicago is part of the Hip Hop company Dickids Crew and Tokyo Emoji.

If you have any questions you can put them in the comment section and I'll answer them lol

Here's a picture of Dickids Crew :

Here's a picture of Dickids Crew :

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Just A Crush    Jungkook X Reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now