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You reached over to press the button since all of it was done but the beats weren't the way that you wanted them to be, you still had him listen to it. You nervously played with your thumbs as the song played which sounded amazing to you, but that's just one opinion...

"Great job. Please tell them that tomorrow, I want you guys to work on the choreography for this song. I'll get going now."


Reader's Pov

"I HAVE AN IDEA FOR THE CHOREO!! LET'S GO BEFORE I FORGET IT!!" Min Cha shouted as she walked around the dorm with a pan in her left hand and a paddle to hit the pan with.

"Oi kid, let's go." Da Eun yawned as she dragged you out of bed so that you could get dressed.



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"Annyeong." You yawned while bowing to the cameramen before grabbing a protein shake that Nina made and walking out with the rest of the group.

"Okay so, I was thinking that we should have a weird kind of line and then we can have Da Eun do that cool ballerina spin since she's the only one that went to a ballet school." Min Cha said as she pretended to spin around like how Da Eun would.

"Eh? I haven't done that in a while though." She said as Min Cha chuckled and patted her on the back.

"Don't worry, you still have it in ya! It's in your blood!" Min Cha said as she smiled and walked over to the computer so that she can play the song.

"We should make our maknae do aegyo in this song." Nina teased as you shook your head while taking a sip of your protein shake.

"But it would look adorable!" Min Cha said as she clapped her hands while pinching your cheeks.

You sighed and eventually gave in since they made a reason where you acted as a 'bad girl' in the debut and they thought that it would look nice if you showed your 'cute' side too.

"And 5...6...5..6..7..8!"

You're the one STANDING and CLOSEST to the mirror :) idk why I put it in all caps lol

EDIT: heyo it's your author lmao so i noticed that the vid keeps becoming unavailable after some time, so the song is We First by Elris

btw let me know who the next future story should be about~

Once you guys were done with the dance and the people recording, it was finally time for lunch.

"Should we go see if Bts want to eat with us?" Cha Soo asked as we nodded our heads and followed her to where they might be.

It took us quiet a long time to find them since they were all gone at once. Usually they would be scattered everywhere, but today they disappeared as a whole.

"Oh wait, they're having their comeback tonight." Nina said as the five of you were currently in a cafe that wasn't too far from the building...you barely looked for them by the way.

"That makes sense why they're all gone at once." Da Eun said as a group of high school boys came in, not even noticing us.

"Should we go explore then?" You asked as Min Cha nodded her head as she went to throw away her food tray along with the others'.

"Sure that doesn't sound too bad, where should we go though?" Nina asked as we all shrugged our shoulders, until an evil idea popped into Da Eun's mind.

"(Y/N), go ask those high schoolers where the nearest mall would be." Da Eun said with a smirk on her face, knowing that you hated having too much attention focused on you.

"A-Ani, we can just ask Google." You said while shaking your head and taking a sip of your Americano.

"Eh~ but what fun is in that?" Nina asked as she held onto your arm while the other members soon did the same.

You sighed and eventually gave into the members who were siletnly recording and cheering you on. The cameraman followed as you took your mask off so that they could you hear you clearly without any problem.

"E-Excuse me, do you know where the closest mall is?" You asked as you played with your straw nervously while looking at the high school boys who searched it up on Google.

"Ah, the closest one would be in Hongdae." One of the boys answered as you nodded your head and thanked the boys while walking back to the table with your members waiting.

"Look at them." Da Eun said while holding back her laughter as she watched the group of high school boys walk past the table that you guys were at as they pretended to walk cool but only failed as they ran into each other.

Time Skiiiip

The five of you had finally arrived back at the dorm with bags and bags full of clothes and shoes. Everyone pretty much spent it all since it was almost time for Seoul Fashion Week and Nina didn't want to miss it, since it would be her first time witnessing something like it. When you had gotten back, there was a sticky note that read that concept photos to be taken for the album.

"I hope people like our concept and theme for this mini album." You worriedly said as you rubbed your hands together before going over to Cha Soo.

"What's wrong?" Cha Soo asked as she took a big blanket from the dorm's closet and wrapped it around the two of you.

"What if they don't like our theme?" You asked while hugging her since she was basically straddling you.

Cha Soo quietly hummed a song, while avoiding the question which only meant that she too was worried for this mini album. And since it only consisted of the solos and the main song, it only grew nerve-wracking not knowing if Variety will survive their first mini album sell.

"The only thing we can do is trust and believe."


That is some true shiiiit

I'm focusing on this story before I post a prologue to a new X Reader story~

Just A Crush    Jungkook X Reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now