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"Hey Kook, what's up?" Namjoon asked as music blasted from his phone.

"Uh, I need some advice." Jungkook said with a worried look on his face, causing the older to pause the music and pay more attention to what was going to happen next.

Nodding his head, the older patted to a spot on the bed for Jungkook to sit. Having the maknae worried like this was a sight that was hardly seen. Sure, he's been stressed from world tours and things, but Namjoon's never seen him this stressed before.

"I-I want to try and make mine and (Y/N)'s relationship public." Jungkook spoke, breaking the silent atmosphere that was blossoming in the room. Humming in response, Namjoon closed for a moment as he thought about the things that could possibly occur if that happens.

"Okay, have you talked with (Y/N) about it?" Namjoon replied as the other nodded his head and explained the whole situation with his hyung who was all ears.

It took some time for Namjoon to actually grasp the story since Jungkook would go off track and talk about how adorable (Y/N) was during some of the moments. Once he was done explaining, the idea of going public was a good idea, it was just the fans that scared both maknaes.

"I say trust your heart. It may sound super cheesy for me saying that, but that's what you both need right now. You and (Y/N) are scared about getting hate from the fans, honestly, yes. You're going to get hate no matter what. You're the golden maknae that every girl loves. If (Y/N) is truly the one for you, go public. I'll support and help you no matter what."

Narrator's Pov

"So is this what we're going with?" Da Eun asked with her arm hanging loosely around your shoulders as the five of you just finished practicing your dance for the Inkigayo show.

You practiced for another hour before Nina called it a day so she could go help Cha Soo with something. You, Min Cha, and Da Eun watched the dance over from when it was recorded.

"It looks nice."Min Cha said as she gave you and Da Eun a high-five.

"I can't believe I'm singing for this comeback." You spoke as you ran a hand through your hair before seeing Nina and Cha Soo walking back into the dance studio with drinks in their hands.

"Here you kids go." Nina said, handing out the bottles of water to each member before sitting down on the floor next to you.

The five of you stayed talking to each other for about half an hour before deciding that it was a good time to practice once again just so that it could be fresh in the head for tomorrow's practice.

"I hope you and Jungkook stay together forever." Min Cha said as she pretended to wipe away the invisible tears.

"You two are too cute to breakup. Promise me that you won't breakup no matter what." Da Eun added while grabbing your two hands and staring with her bright brown orbs.

"I promise, but that only means that you and Hoseok-sunbaenim have to get together too." You said as you winked before standing up to take off, knowing about her huge crush on the male.

Jungkook's Pov

"Kookie, do you want to go 7-Eleven with me?" Hoseok asked as I paused a compilation of (Y/N) on shows. I nodded my head and hopped out of the bed so that Hoseok wouldn't be waiting for so long.

We headed down to the lobby as we talked about the snacks and drinks that we had to get for the other members.

"I think we need-Da Eun?"

"Hyung, only you need her." I chuckled before seeing Da Eun chasing (Y/N) with a water bottle in her hand.

Deciding to keep walking, we went back on topic as I felt someone grab me and the next thing I saw was a water bottle coming in contact with my forehead.

"Omo, Jungkook-ah are you okay?" Hoseok asked as I nodded my head and turned around to see (Y/N) sheepishly smiling at me.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook, that was for (Y/N)." Da Eun said as (Y/N) stuck her tongue out childishly before standing next to me.

"Why were you even chasing her in the first place?" I asked only to see Da Eun turn a deep shade of red before giving (Y/N) a glare.

"N-Nothing. Let's go back to the dance room, (Y/N)." Da Eun responded as I looked at (Y/N) who had a mischievous smile on her face.

Nudging her on the side, (Y/N) told me what happened as I smirked and whispered back that Hoseok likes Da Eun too. We made a quick plan of how we were going to leave them so they could have some alone time.

"Sorry hyung, but I totally forgot that I promised (Y/N) a rematch on Overwatch. Maybe Da Eun can go to 7-Eleven with you instead." As soon as I said that, I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and walked away fast enough to not hear what they were saying.

"Want to go to a barbecue place?" (Y/N) asked with that adorable smile on her face.

"Sure, but you're paying."

"Never mind, we're eating cereal back at the dorms."


Wooooow 311 K Reads?

Anywhooo here's  what's happening~

This story is coming to an end, but if you want,






Just A Crush    Jungkook X Reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now