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"GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! CHA SOO IS BACK!!" Da Eun exclaimed as she ran into the rooms with Cha Soo behind her with a huge smile on her face.

Jumping off your bed and landing on your butt, somehow, you clapped your hands and hugged Cha Soo.

"We finally have sweg in our group." You frantically said as Da Eun nodded her head and wiped away invisible tears.

"(Y/N), you and Jungkook will be the Mcs for Inkiyago." Cha Soo said wiggling her eyebrows and Min Cha chuckled and wrapped her arms around the other.

You raised your eyebrows, knowing that you were most likely going to be awkward since you've never been an Mc before. Nodding your head, Nina had told everyone how you all were going to be performing a song from the debut album now that Cha Soo is back.

"We should do one of our really cool songs!" Da Eun said as you nodded your head before being dragged by her to get her laptop to pick on of our songs.

"Good choice unnie!"

Jungkook's Pov

"MY BABY IS PERFORMING AGAIN!" Yoongi yelled hopping off the ground and showing me the text message that he had gotten from Cha Soo.

I clapped my hands with a smile on my face while getting a message from our manager telling me that I will be a Mc with (Y/N) on Inkigayo. A smile crept on my face, knowing that this would be the perfect time to make our relationship public.

"But how should I do it?" I mumbled to myself, furrowing my eyebrows, not even noticing that I was speaking louder than I thought I was.

"I think you should just be you." Jin said with a motherly smile on his face before walking away to continue making lunch for us.

Nodding my head, I decided to go ask Namjoon what song we would be performing for Inkigayo. With the though of making the relationship public lingering in my head, I pursued my lips and knocked on the door.

"Hey Kook, what's up?" Namjoon asked as music blasted from his phone.

"Uh, I need some advice."


Hi it's an update :)

But this is just a filler lol sorry for being gone for so long :(

Just A Crush    Jungkook X Reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now