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I walked back in the recording room to see all the boys laughing while our other songs played in the background of their loud talking. Jungkook was singing a song to Jimin to talk about how short he is, Hoseok was trying not to move because of Yoongi, Tae was on his phone looking for any new Gucci things, and Namjoon was just chilling.

"Hey have you guys seen (Y/N)?"


Reader's Pov

"I'm gonna go call Eunwoo." You sighed as you walked out of the studio to go see if your older brother could give you any type of advice.

You walked into an empty room that looked like there were no light switch to turn it on. You didn't really care about that since it was relaxing, the phone rang for about 10 seconds until your brother answered but with an audience in the background?

"Oppa, are you busy?" You asked as you heard him chuckle with the audience doing the same.

"Ne, I'm on a show right now." He answered as you hit your head on the wall, feeling as if you just made a fool out of yourself in front of the world.

"Ah...annyeonghaseyo, I'm Cha (Y/N) I apologize for interrupting your show. I'll get going now." You quickly ended the call and hung your head low in between your two arms.

Taking a deep breath, you decided to take in the silence that was currently with you, until getting a mental reminder that you had to finish the beats today.

"Hwaiting!" You whisper yelled to yourself while ruffling your hair a bit.

When you were walking back to the studio, you noticed that your members were no longer in the studio. On top of that, Bts wasn't in the studio either.

"They probably went to go eat," You said to yourself while yawning and going back into the studio, "hope they bring me food back."

Jungkook's Pov

"Ease up kid, (Y/N) probably went to go get fresh air." Cha Soo said while putting a hand on my shoulder that was followed by a gentle smile.

I nodded my head and decided to let the girls lead the way to wherever they were going. No matter how hard it is for me to admit it, but I think (Y/N) might be my ideal type...

A sigh escaped my lips as I saw a familiar walk into the studio. I smiled a bit before tapping on Nina's shoulder a little too frequently...

"Aish, what made you so hyper all of a sudden?" Nina asked as I pointed over to where (Y/N) walked to.

"I saw (Y/N) walk into the studio." I said with a huge grin on my face and running towards her with the girls following.

We ran to the studio to see (Y/N) sitting in the chair with the headphones on and the sound of her humming tones and words before she wrote them in a notebook. The members of Variety let out a huge sigh of relief before going into the studio and hugging (Y/N).

"W-What are you guys doing?" (Y/N) asked while taking off the headphones and looking up to see me smiling at her.

I quickly turned around and walked out of the studio to go see where the members went.

Reader's Pov

"(Y/N) you made us worried sick!" Nina said as she ruffled your hair, making you giggle.

"Is this our song?" Da Eun asked as you nodded your head, letting her look at the lyrics for a bit.

"I-It's not that good..." You mumbled while watching the rest of the members looking at the lyrics that you wrote.

"Wah! This is exactly what I asked for!" Min Cha yelled while clapping her hands and pulling you into a hug.

"Can we record now?" Cha Soo asked as you nodded your head and followed them to the recording studio.



EDIT: heyo it's ya author here, if the video still decides not to work ((ughh)) the song is We First by Elris   - love ya mah Fades❤️ 06.12.18

Once you were done, you had told the members that you were going to stay and touch the song up a bit. They reluctantly left you in the studio as they all threatened you to leave the room no later than 9:30 pm or else they'll tackle you with their love.

"(Y/N), why do you stay so late?" You heard someone asked as you turned the chair around to see Pd-nim leaning against the doorway.

"No offense, but that's pretty creepy. Haha, annyeonghaseyo Pd-nim." You said while standing up from your chair to give a proper greeting.

"I was actually on my way to talk about the deadline...but I see all of the members left to rest perhaps?" He said as you nodded your head and set the song aside.

"Wasn't it by the end of this month?" You asked as he nodded his head before looking at the current new song that was on the computer screen.

"Ah...this song just got done. We have six songs in total." You answered as he hummed in response, while you couldn't help but feel nervous to see how he was going to react.

"Araso...tell your group that the six songs that you have are great for a mini album, and that's what this one is going to be. Do you have your comeback song done?"

"Ne, the one on the screen is the comeback song." You answered as he nodded his head while looking as if he wanted you to play it.

You reached over to press the button since all of it was done but the beats weren't the way that you wanted them to be, you still had him listen to it. You nervously played with your thumbs as the song played which sounded amazing to you, but that's just one opinion...

"Great job. Please tell them that tomorrow, I want you guys to work on the choreography for this song. I'll get going now."



Just A Crush    Jungkook X Reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now