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Tension filled the dormitory as the Manager and Pd-nim were both sitting in front of Variety. Min Cha decided that she would make finger bites for the guests with a cup of lemonade to go along with it. Although that didn't really break the tension, it eased the maknae line's heads for sure.

"So, that was sure one heck of an interview." The manager spoke as he cleared his throat while quietly thanking Min Cha.

You nodded your head as you puffed your cheeks with air, silently hoping that they wouldn't ask for your opinion on how the interview went for you. Da Eun was too busy fiddling with her fingers.

"What's going to happen with the group?" Nina bitterly asked as she was making eye contact with Pd-nim.

"Well for starters, with the way that things are looking now, I personally think that Cha Soo should take a break and try to clear her mind." Pd-nim explained as the four girls looked at each other for a brief moment.

"I agree. It's only been a day since the interview and people think that you guys should be disbanded or at least having a break from doing a comeback." The manager added in as you quietly sighed while taking a glance at Cha Soo.

It was quiet for a few minutes as thoughts flooded your mind about how Yoongi and the rest of the group would act, knowing that Cha Soo is taking a break from promoting Variety. You saw Cha Soo, the manager, and Pd-nim walk outside to have a private talk, causing everyone's mood to drop.

"What's going to happen now? Will we still sound the same if Cha Soo isn't with us?" You worriedly asked as Da Eun nodded her head, agreeing with your concerns.

"I honestly don't know, but if anything, we can all take a break and just do self promoting if we want to wait for Cha Soo to come back." Nina suggested as everyone thought for a while until the three others walked back in.

"I have decided to take a break. Don't worry, I'll still be here from time to time." Cha Soo said with a smile while hugging each one of you.

Watching the sight, made everyone want to stop promoting but Cha Soo had told the group to just keep promoting and that she will be rooting from the sidelines. Although that didn't sound right whatsoever, Nina agreed along with her.

"We'll support you guys alongside so stay strong." The manager said as him and Pd-nim left the dorm to go get something to eat before going to the next meeting.

"So what now?"

Next Day :)

"I think I want to make a song." You mumbled as you ate your cereal while scrolling through your phone.

"Oho, what made that thought pop into your mind?" Min Cha asked as she chuckled before tying her pink apron that Jin had bought for her.

You shrugged your shoulders while heading to the room to change and go down to the studio.

While walking to the studio, you ran into Jimin and Tae who seemed like that they were posting selcas on Twitter

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While walking to the studio, you ran into Jimin and Tae who seemed like that they were posting selcas on Twitter. Jimin was trying to do a cartwheel without no hands so that it could be a new trend but ended up kicking a worker on the back.

"Excellent job." You chuckled before continuing your walk to the studio.

When you were finally there, you were met with Jungkook sitting on the chair as he spun around slowly while scrolling through his phone. You walked in and decided to scare him by singing at least one note into the mic, but that failed since he dropped his phone right when you walked in to the room.

"Hey (Y/N), why're you here today?" Jungkook asked as he picked up his phone that was followed up with a smile later on.

"I don't know, I was in the mood to write a song today." You answered as he nodded his head before sliding the chair to you to sit in.

You thanked him as you logged into the computer. Awkwardly making beats on the computer and piano, Jungkook stood to the side watching you like a proud father.

"Um..you don't have anything going on with the group today?" You asked quietly as you messed around with the beats.

Jungkook hummed in response as he then sat on the floor to connect his phone to the charger. Not noticing that, you rolled your chair a little to far back as you rolled over his fingers.

"I didn't even see you down there, are you okay?" You asked while holding the rolled over fingers. You held back your laughter as you looked up at the older who was blushing a little too hard.

"Y-Yeah, have anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"Stop flirting with me before I roll over all your fingers."


HI so I meant to update but I've been super busy with school :(

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