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Silence took over as Junho stared at Jungkook with a look that anyone would know not to mess with him.

"Let's go (Y/N). We have an actual job with an actual company." Jungkook said as he grabbed your wrist but stopped when you took it from his grip.


"I think you should go in by yourself." You said as Jungkook stared at you with disbelief written over his face.

"Are you seriously hanging out with these people?" Jungkook asked as you rolled your eyes and nodded your head.

"What's wrong with us? We're a rapping company. Not a company for idols and screaming fangirls. There are two sides with companies bud." Junho said as Jungkook scoffed and walked inside, not wanting to deal with the 'nonsense' that was unfolding.

Jungkook's Pov

"Welcome back maknae~! How'd it go~? Did you get with (Y/N)?" Hoseok asked as I let out an angry sigh before sitting down on the couch next to Taehyung.

"I'll take that as a no. What happened?" Jimin asked as I began to explain all the scenes that happened tonight.

Next Day + Reader's Pov


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"Cha (Y/N)!! You have to do a solo for our first concert!" Min Cha yelled as she shook your shoulders.

"We don't even know when that concert will be." Cha Soo said while shrugging her shoulders and laying on the floor.

"W-Why can't you do a solo since you're the main dancer?" You asked while being pulled apart by Nina.

"Let's practice." Nina said while clapping her hands and going to the computer to play music.

Jungkook's Pov

We have the day off and I'm still a little mad at (Y/N) from last night. Jin was helping Namjoon clean up a plate that he had knocked over somehow, as I went to Tae and Jimin.

"Hey, we should visit Variety." Tae suggested as Jimin agreed, making me seem mean since I shook my head, not agreeing with him.

"How come? You can go apologize to your future girlfriend." Jimin cooed as I silently scoffed while running a hand through my hair.

"Why should I apologize?" I mumbled as Yoongi walked in with a yawn.

"We're going to give Variety some water." Yoongi said as he tossed each of us masks and shoes that he found around the dorm.

When we made it to a convenience store, I could've sworn that I saw that Junho guy with his friends, but at the same time it didn't look like him. I quickly let a sigh while teasing Jimin with the height of the shelves.

"Kids, let's go." Yoongi said while carrying the two bags.

"So did you and (Y/N) get in a fight or something?" Jimin asked as I shook my head while kicking a pebble.

"It's more like me being irritated with the people that she hangs with." I said as Tae and Jimin gave me a confused look, while Yoongi sighed and shook his head.

"If you're talking about him being part of Dickids Crew, that's actually a company. They're just on the hip-hop side with all the kids who aspire to be rappers when they grow up or something like that." Yoongi explained while shrugging his shoulders.

"Do they even make money? They're probably just a bunch of fakes who want to start a company" I blurted out, immediately regretting since we were right outside of the practice room that had Variety in it.

"(Y/N), why'd you stop?" I heard Da Eun ask as I realized that the door was open, making me mentally facepalm myself.

"S-Sorry I uh forgot the part that we were on." (Y/N) quickly said while taking her eyes off of me and running back to the beginning position.

"Kids I brought you water." Yoongi said as he walked in with a smile on his face.

"Thanks! (Y/N) work on your solo!" Min Cha happily exclaimed as I saw the younger walk over to her phone and putting a song on.

While Yoongi and Min Cha were talking, I just couldn't help but notice how good of a dancer (Y/N) is. Sure all of the members of Variety are good dancers, but I just can't help but stare at her when she dances.

"(Y/N) try that again." Nina said as she nodded her head and did that one part over again, as I saw tears forming in her eyes.

Y/N's Pov ((okay so like I might mess up here lol))

Stupid Jungkook. If he doesn't like the people that I hang out with, then he can just not be around me. Why does it even matter to him who I hang out with? It's my life.

"(Y/N) try that again." Nina said, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. Does he not know that I can see him staring at me?

I did the part over again, but I just couldn't help be distracted in my mind from what he was saying about Junho and his company. Jungkook, you frustrate me.

"I'm going to get some air." I mumbled as Nina nodded her head and Da Eun giving Jungkook a look before patting me on the shoulder.

While walking out, I hung my head low making sure not to look at Jungkook or anything since I knew that they were going to ask what was wrong.

"(Y/N), can we talk?"


I wanna update this story a lot today for some reason lol

Just A Crush    Jungkook X Reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now