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"Where we should start?" You asked as all the other members began to run off to a certain building.

"Aish, this mission is impossible." Joonyoung whined as he ran a hand through his black hair.

Taking a moment to actually look at the map of the buildings, you and Joonyoung decided that it would be best if we started at the only area that would hold different type of students. The cafeteria.

"Wah~ this is such a smart idea." Joonyoung said while clapping his hands as the two of you looked around with the whole entire place packed as people held their phones out recording the two of you.

You and Joonyoung knew that getting the crowd to calm down by being really close to them probably wasn't the best idea, but standing on the table was definitely your style.

"Guys, we're looking for people who passed the entrance exam with a 100%, plays a sport, and is super popular! Who would that be?!" Joonyoung yelled as he cupped his hands so that his voice could project louder.

The cafeteria grew quiet with a few mumbles floating around, until a boy began clapping his hands vigorously.

"That would be (Y/N)!" The boy yelled as people began to laugh then agree with him.

"Aniya, I'm still in high school!" You laughed along as you shook your head.

"I'm just kidding. My best friend actually fits that description." The boy then said as Joonyoung and you smiled before taking him away from the crowd that was taking pictures of the two of you.

"We'll come back when we win our lunch!"

Cha Soo's Pov

"Okay well obviously going to the library was a horrible idea." I said as Shiyoon nodded his head.

The two of us were currently walking around the area that people called the introverts hang out since all they do is study, which makes it dumb for us to be searching over here, but hey we will never know.

"Oh that kid looks like he'll know someone that fits the description." I said, talking about a boy who was sitting on the middle of the soccer fields with his friends.

Shiyoon walked over to them first to ask the simple question if he actually knew someone that fits the description before having him running back over to me with the news.

"He does!" Shiyoon panted out as he rested his hands on his knees before catching up to me.

I walked over to the boy who was currently calling his friend who will help us get our lunch.

"Yah, where are you? At home? Your classes start at 12 right? It's 11:45-what do you mean you know? Okay-no Cha Soo from-yes the Cha Soo-let me-hyung, please let me finish my sentence. Cha Soo from Variety is with 2 Days 1 Night with a mission of finding someone like you. Okay hurry up. Okay, bye." The boy hung up with a smile on his face as I smiled back, knowing that that would only let us have 15 minutes to go all the way back to where the fountain is before we lose.

I sat down, joining the boys as we waited for this friend of his to show up so we can drag him to the place so that we can get our lunch.

"How long does he usually take to get ready?" I asked as the boy chuckled before shaking his head.

"It depends on how he's feeling today to be honest."

Da Eun's Pov

"Okay! Let's go to the pool!" I exclaimed as we walked to the gym that showed many boys practicing the different strokes.

"Yah~ I wish I could swim like that." Defconn said as we watched the swimmers hop out the pool , each catching a towel.

"OH! You're Da Eun!" A boy yelled out as he pulled off of his goggles to see me standing there with Defconn.

"Annyeong, by any chance do you know anyone who scored a 100% on the entrance exam?" I asked as the boy immediately nodded his head and pointed to himself.

"Me! I'm so glad I was a loner in high school. I'm Kim Dongwon."

Y/N's Pov

"So I'm just wondering, but are you and Jeon Jungkook from Bts dating?" The boy asked as I chuckled a little before actually wondering about this.

We never established anything like titles on if we were together or not...

"We're just close friends." I answered with a smile before seeing the boy clap his hands before putting something on his phone.

"I've always wondered this, but have you ever tried rock and roll?"

TIME SKIP ((a new fanfic is being made comment who it should be for))

Everyone had made it back to the meeting place on time which made it harder for anyone to actually be eliminated. Da Eun and Defconn had both introduced their person and apparently he was loved by the girls just like an idol. Cha Soo went next with a basketball player and the crowd definitely went crazy over him.

In the end, Min Cha actually won because of finding a school idol that's already on social media for being called a trainee in disguise. With that being said, he then revealed that he's not part of a company at all.

"This is definitely going to make the charts when it airs!" Taehyun said as he went to high five the director, making everyone laugh.

"Thank you guys for accepting our offer, and we wish you guys the best."



ALSO I'm thinking of publishing a new fanfic as a thank you gift when I reach 1K lol so coment who you want it to be :)

Just A Crush    Jungkook X Reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now